Summer season Quick update

Hola cannabicultores!
Vengo a actualizar las cosas que hice en el jardin.
Primero que nada les quiero mostrar una nueva plantula que salio. Es una semilla "semiautomatica" que basicamente quiere decir que son experimentos que hace mi amigo el que me las paso. Asi que primero probe tirar 3 directo a tierra para ver como venian y salieron dos. Pero a una se la comio una oruga que andaba por ahi. Asi que quedo esta:

Hello cannabis growers!
I come to update the things I did in the garden.
First of all I want to show you a new seedling that came out. It is a "semiautomatic" seed which basically means that they are experiments that my friend who passed them on to me does. So first I tried to throw 3 directly to the ground to see how they came out and two came out. But one was eaten by a caterpillar that was walking around. So this is the one that was left

Translated with (free version)


A los dias...

a few days later...


Y ya esta transplantada en una maceta de 20 lts

It is already transplanted in a 20 Lt. pot.



Tambien tenia que cortar esquejes de las plantas que estan compartiendo macetas de 80 lts. Estas plantas son de geneticas variadas (que ya les dire algun dia que vea bien el papelito que quedo enterrado cuando las transplante lol) y la verdad huelen muy rico. Tambien crecieron bastante bien pese a estar compartiendo maceta con otras dos plantas.

I also had to make cuttings of the plants that are sharing pots of 80 lts. These plants are of varied genetics (which I will tell you someday when I see the paper that was buried when I transplanted them lol) and the truth is that they smell very good. They also grew quite well in spite of being sharing pot with two other plants.




Basicamente estoy haciendo a la manera que aprendi hace mucho, que es la mas facil creo yo, aunque no la mas eficaz tal vez. Quiero probar los jiffys ni bien pueda.
Lo que uso se ve a simple vista es un envase de agua de 5 lts cortado, perlita, y mantengo la humedad en ambiente rociando y regando a discrecion.

Basically I am doing the way I learned a long time ago, which is the easiest I think, although not the most effective perhaps. I want to try the jiffys as soon as I can.
What I use is a cut 5 lts water container, perlite, and I keep the humidity at ambient by spraying and watering at will


En la foto estan afuera, pero en verdad los tengo cerca de un tubo bajo consumo en el lavadero.
Y tambien queria mostrar el producto que use para enraizar.
Es de Phitonat y se llama PhitoClone (el frasco de arriba)
Y el producto de abajo son micorrizas y es de una marca llamada Namaste.

In the photo they are outside, but in reality I have them near a tube in the laundry room.
And I also wanted to show the product I used for rooting.
It is from Phitonat and is called PhitoClone (the top bottle).
And the bottom product is mycorrhizae and is from a brand called Namaste


Lo que hice fue mojar la primera vez la perlita con micorrizas.
No lo saque de ningun lado pero me parecio una buena idea...ya veremos que pasa.
Hablando de esquejes, les muestro los primeros 3 que hice, como muestro en mi segundo post.

What I did was to wet the first time the perlite with mycorrhizae.
I didn't get it from anywhere but it seemed like a good idea...we'll see what happens.
Speaking of cuttings, I show you the first 3 that I made, as shown in my second post




Los esqueje igual solo que a estos no les puse las micorrizas. Estuvieron 2 semanas en este sistema y con un tubo de bajo consumo las 24 hs, y al momento del transplante la raiz era minuscula. Ya estan en la terraza con las demas plantas, asi que veremos si avanzan.

I cut them in the same way, except that I did not put the mycorrhizae on them. They were 2 weeks in this system and with a tube 24 hours a day, and at the moment of the transplant the root was minuscule. They are already in the terrace with the other plants, so we will see if they advance.

Finalmente tambien tenia que hacer el preventivo funguico.
Les muestro el producto.

Finally, I also had to do the preventive with the antifungicide product.
I show you the product


Esperemos sea efectivo porque en marzo/abril hay muchisima humedad en Buenos Aires y con los cogollos engordando sabemos lo que significa.

Let's hope it is effective because in March/April there is a lot of humidity in Buenos Aires and with the buds getting fat we know what it means.
Bueno, hasta aca algunas tareas que fui realizando

Me despido con fotos del comienzo de la floracion.
Saludos y gracias por detenerse un rato en mi jardin...

I say goodbye with photos of the beginning of flowering.
Greetings and thanks for stopping for a while in my garden








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