My Cannabis sproutling is now one week old

This seed was started around fifteen days ago, and it has now sprouted and formed into a small little plant as of seven days back. I will call it a sprouting until it has a few levels of leaves. It seems quite happy with the transplant, and I see new leaves growing on it. Soon I will place it in my grow tent and use the higher powered light on it. It just arrived yesterday so I need to assemble and set up the metal halide light. Was thinking about setting it up then but I was getting too tired with all the trash removal on my property so I will assemble it when I can focus on a fragile tasks like dealing with the grow lights.

I hope to see its growth accelerate soon as more leaves form, the plant needs these to produce energy and to grow. So with more leaves it will be greatly beneficial to get it into the grow room. Though at the moment I am just trying to get it to stretch out a little.

Running the lights in a 16/8 cycle meaning the lights run for 16 hours a day and then are off for 8 hours. This lets the plant rest and have a good circadian rhythm .

The stem is looking good, nice and strong. Though I am being very careful around it, one bump and it could be all over at this tender stage.

Last we saw this plant on Hive was when it only had its starter leaves (Cotyledons) and one set of little leaves unfurling. Now it has four leaves and some more on the way up top.

From the top we can see its leaf set a little better. I wonder how soon the next set will form, maybe a few days?

Its so small right now, but fun growing from seed. It would seem all of the others I started did not take, so this was the one seed in the group that formed.

The little sprouting now lives in a seven gallon pot, I had to treat the soil with neem as some fungus was trying to make its way across the soil. Probably because of my use of native dirt. Probably some super fungi in there just waiting for nice potting soil, well I hope spraying some neem on the soil surface stops it and keeps the fungus from harming my little sproutling.

Neem is my goto solution for almost everything cannabis problem related, it takes care of the gnats in the soil, kills spider mites spraying on them and helps to inhibit fungus growth.. It also works great for flea treatment for animals.

I got myself a hygrometer, it will go into the tent when I put up the light. Will help me monitor temps and humidity levels inside the grow space.

Since my previous batch of seeds did not do so well. I went ahead and soaked a new batch of seeds for a little less than 48 hours and now they are in moist dirt, I used seedling soil this time.. hah

They have been in there for about 2 days, hoping to see some action soon.

I use a humidity dome to keep the soil moist.

With my big lights here, it is time to finish assembling my grow tent. I have a second one on the way, so I can have one for flower and one for growing them in vegetative states.

Set up a little work station by the tents, will be helpful working on them.

But for now I just have my little setup for the sprouting.

A few macro shots of my sprouting, using my new Lumix GH6.

I love seeing the hairs forming on the leaves, nothing compared to what the flowers look like though.

Looks like I can see little trichomes on the leaves.

Overall the little sprouting looks quite happy.

The starter leaf (Cotyledon) can be seen on the left at the bottom. Looks like its going to fall off soon. With all the other leaves taking its place the starter leaf may no longer be needed.

My previous posts on this project:




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