Moving up from sprouting to vegetative growth

As we move from sproutling to full fledged plant things really start to accelerate... I have started to introduce fertilizer every other watering, though a small amount compared to what I would feed a larger more established cannabis plant. With two batches growing, spread out by about a week we have three plants at this point. No idea if they are male or female right now, but should know soon for the bigger ones.


It has now been over a month since germination, and most of them are forming nice leaves and thick stems. Every day they look like they are getting bigger, and I am now seeing lots of growth. I added a fan that moves air around in the room, and that helps to promote strong stems when a slight air current is moving them.


Hopefully soon I will be able to tell the sex of the plants and decide what to do with them. But at the moment I cannot tell... maybe a few more weeks.


One of my plants had a weird deformity on one of the leaves, will see if it stays that way and heals itself.. Not affecting the plant it seems just a weird spot.


This is the first one I started, though I did not provide it with enough humidity so its a little undersized right now.


One of the 2nd batch sproutlings stopped growing once I transplanted it, for about a week it did nothing. But now it has some new growth, seems to be growing two branches outward.. quite strange.. Maybe this is related to old seeds?


I will leave it and see if it fully recovers, though it is tiny compared to the other two more established cannabis plants.


Lastly, this one is doing great! Funny how that works, as when I transplanted this from its seed container to its full pot I broke some roots off. I thought it was going to go into shock, but it did not! Just got bigger and has now outgrown batch 1.


Its leaf sets are quite large, and seems very happy with its humid 1000w MH setup.


No idea of the sex of this one as well, not yet at least. There is about a half and half chance of getting a male or female. Since these are probably not feminized seeds its a toss up.


Glad the stems are strong, that fan really helped it bulk up its structure. Seems they also like the light position now, I had it a little too close previously and caused some purple color to form. But since moving it back a few inches seems they are happy. They are not stretching much, nor are they showing signs of heat stress.


So for now I will keep watering them every few days with fertilizer feedings every other watering. Using foxfarm for the feeding, big grow right now but will use tiger bloom when its time to flower.


The grow tent has worked out great, the AC infinity brand seems to make good stuff.. I have their fans as well. Using their clip on fan in the grow room, and two inline fans for the light and tent intake air.


Something special about growing my own cannabis, been so long but glad to be back. I love growing plants, as many of yall know... but something extra special about growing entheogens. Cannot wait to enjoy the nugs from these when it comes time. At this point it will be sometime next year.


Now that we are in the vegetative cycle, I will wait around a month to see how tall they get and then induce flowering by changing the light spectrum and light hours. But for now they will keep growing more leaves and get nice and strong to support some large buds a few months from now.

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