Maple Cookies Re-veg 5-gallon challenge update #1

What's up tokers? Been a few days or me doing any type of grow update or really even being on the internet. I have been meaning to get this update out with @jonyoudyer doing the 5-gallon grow challenge.


When it comes to the 5-gallon bucket challenge I thought it was a true bucket challenge but I was WRONG. The idea that @jonyoudyer had was a 5-gallon challenge that can include all types of pots and I would think that also means a 5-gallon DWC bucket. I on the other hand though, I figured I'd still use the bucket to make it a true 5-gallons.

You can see how I drilled plenty of drainage holes in the bucket. I was going to make a whole bunch of small holes around the whole bucket but dam that would take so much time.

I ended up using a nice big 1/2 inch hole around the sides and a couple on the bottom. The next thing was to of course fill it with some soil and amendments.

I used the lasagna layer to make this pot. I started with some super soil(). Next, I went and added some staw with another layer of soil on top of that. I then went ahead and add some kelp, alfalfa, Mix of rock dust and some EWC. The next and final layer was some more super soil.

This will make for a very nice nutrient-dense soil for the whole veg from this point I will be adding some top-dresses of amendments during late-stage veg and into flower.

Maple Cookies

I let the soil set for a week with nothing in it besides some cover crop aka clover seeds. Once they started to signs of life I went ahead and added the Re-veg maple cookies. I take most of my clones if flower so I know that my clones are female.

As you can see the lack of nitrogen has slowly ended from the plant going into survival mode and make some roots. I have noticed as the plant has now been in this pot for 1 week that it has been showing signs of greening up and some new growth.

The idea for this plant is to use some LST and topping to have a well-trained plant in about 6 weeks' time to flip it to flower.

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