Making AK47 Dabs

Do you ever make your own concentrates? I have always been a fan of growing your own cannabis and making your own edibles and dabs or extracts.

So I have decided to make some of my own honey oil/shatter, Now this is a process you have to be very careful about.

I was able to get about 6 OZ of some AK47 off a buddy of mine for dirt cheap. It was the last bit from his last grow and I thought why not.

I won't show the process of making this as even with cannabis legal here in Canada we aren't allowed to make extracts out selves unless it is pressed rosin.

after blasting 3 cans of butane and about 1 OZ of cannabis I was able to get around 4 grams of daps. These daps are almost shatter but not quite, I mean if I would have used a vacuum oven these might be the best daps I have ever made.

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