My Two Boys, Banana Punch x Mac & Cheese


What's up Weed Nerds! Ever wonder what a male cannabis flower looks like? Well look above. Those are male flowers, and within them is the building blocks of life. Once they open, pollen is released.

Once pollen comes in contact with a female pistol, it triggers a response to make seeds. In nature wind does the work of making sure pollen comes in contact with a female flower. Pretty amazing right! This is why growers tend to get rid of a male ASAP. But with proper care, a male can be kept in order to make seeds. There are a few ways someone can go about this. Either put the female in the same space as the male, and let a fan be the wind. Or you can collect the pollen, and apply it your self. This is called "Controlled Pollination". This is a great method if you do not want your whole crop seeded. Here soon I will be doing post's on this.

I have 2 Banana Punch x Mac & Cheese males. I am currently flowering them under an old blurple light. Both are almost identical, but the one in the back is standing out as a better stud to me. I will let them flower fully, so that way I can choose the best one to make good seed stock with.

Which one do you like the best?



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