Cannabis Entanglement...

_Here are all my seeds from the Miracle Mack I decided to pop to see the germination rate. _
I waited to long, and now the roots are entangled.
When I transplant, I always use Mycos. It is a fungus, that helps with nutrient uptake. It also makes for healthy roots!
Just sprinkle a generous amount directly on the roots.
_I am only using old soil, and small pots. Since I do not plan to keep any of these. _
_It is important to be careful when the roots are so entangled. But since these are established, they will be able to withstand some stress. _
Here is a seedling after I ripped apart the roots.
Now they will have space to grow!
_I will grow them out until they are teens, and gift to friends, and family. _

Hey everyone! A while back I threw some Miracle Mack seeds in some water, and had a 100% germ rate. So I decided to put them all into the same pot, and placed on my balcony. I had a few runts that I culled. Here are the ones that looked healthy. I just got some old soil, and transplanted into some small pots. Since I am unable to finish a Photo Period cannabis plant, I will gift these. I love to gift plants! Give a man a fish, he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he will eat a lifetime. Same thing applies to giving the gift of growing. I will keep you all updated on what exactly I do with these. Then hopefully I will get updates from those I gift to. It is going to be a great grow season!

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