Supernatural by Graham Hancock - Chapter 1 Reflection - Iboga Research


In chapter 1 of Supernatural, ancient Bwiti tribes and psychedelic tree Tabernanthe Iboga. Its interesting to learn that ancient mankind was having the same visions we do when we consume psychoactive substances, we just know so much more about the effects these substances have now.


This plant is sacred to some, but Graham was specifically doing this substance to procure 1st hand experiences with Iboga. This would put him in a class of his own, over other scientists who do not have first hand experience with this type of substance.


Shamans would use this bark to achieve status in their tribes, a very sought after ceremony to Bwiti people, although the focus of this first chapter was specifically spent on a couch looking up at the ceiling and around the room.

I will make a brief blog every time I have time to finish a chapter, and ask a question for other psychedelic enthusiasts to interact with.

I have had a similar experience to what Graham describes as floating around the ceiling of the room, I thought it was just me and I was tripping, but maybe this is more common than I first thought.

Have you experienced this "floating around the ceiling" phenomenon while using psychedelic substances?

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