18 Second Roll - My Best SRC Entry So Far - Can You Beat Me and Earn Your Place in the Speed Rollers Club?

Speed Rollers Club - 18 Second Joint Roll

BitTube Video - 18 Second Joint Roll by PhusionPhil

The fastest joint I have ever rolled on camera. I actually impressed myself when I hit the stop button, I am working on getting a stop watch like @loonatic for authenticity. Although I am sure there's a way with video editing software to check if a video is playing back at the original speed, it would be nice to add a layer of authenticity to this program before I finalize the Badge and make the Community if I have to do that to have a badge.


If you want to earn membership in the speed rollers Club, you will need to beat my 24-second maximum time allowance for a roll.

You can see full details of the competition below, once you qualify you are officially in the club.

Speed Rolling Competition #0 - Become an Official Speed Rollers Club Member

Now that you have the basics, I am excited to let you know @canna-curate is contributing a Gorgeous Fancy Sticker to who ever I crown Speed Roller King. This title will eventually be award to someone with Super Human Rolling Skill, a video entry that simply blows our minds collective on the entire WeedCash network. SO call your friends and grand mothers who can roll a quick one and record their impressively fast rolling skills, and upload the video to BitTube to secure your chance to be King.

Special Thanks to Our Participants So Far

Do you have what it takes?

Come take on these awesome individuals who want to show you their boss rolling skills! We are just getting going here so this list is sure to grow. Please comment "!STOP @phusionphil" if you want to be removed from the list in future posts.

@loonatic, @movingman, @movement19

Visit the BitTube Canna-Curate Shared Content Page to see these contestants great entries!

Do you have any questions? Find me on Discord : PhusionPhil#5737 or in the WeedCash Discord Chat

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