Pink Apricot cannabis Budding + Pollen Harvest and Pollination

The Pink Apricot cannabis plant is four weeks into Budding, halfway done - it's clone is doing well too, but first some Pink Apricot pollen harvesting and pollinating.


Pollen Harvest

Back on Valentine's day, this hydroponic Pink Apricot was found to be male after one week in bloom. Male cannabis plants don't produce buds, only pollen - I trimmed all the plant's branches and most of the fan leaves, so the pollen would be easier to manage.

IMG_20230211_213744_380.jpg Bloom Week 1IMG_20230219_150837_572.jpg Bloom Week 2

At the time it was growing along side the budding female Pink Apricot, and I didn't want all the buds to have seeds. Eventually the male plant was moved to a tent in the basement for isolation.

IMG_20230228_111336_486.jpg Bloom Week 3


A week or two later many of the flower buds had filled in, a few of them opening to release pollen.


I placed a hemp rolling paper under the flowers and gently tapped them to release the pollen.


I repeated a few times, carefully folding the papers and putting them in a ziplock bag in the freezer for later breeding use.


Lots of pollen, nature is abundant.


Pink Apricot Pollinated

Some of the collected Pink Apricot pollen will be used to cross breed with Orange Barb for some mystery crossed seeds, some was already used to pollinate the budding female Pink Apricot - as seen below.


I did manage to get some of the pollen on some of the pistils :) Those pistil pods will grow pure Pink Apricot seeds.


Pink Apricot budding

This female Pink Apricot cannabis plant is four Weeks into Budding. Almost half way done, the seed pack says eight weeks for flower time.

IMG_20230228_115802_545.jpg 4 Weeks into Budding

The buds and pistils are stacking up nicely, soon they'll be swelling with resin. I've stopped all additional flowering nutrients, only feeding the plant pure water.


I've raised the lights a little to give the plant a little rest, the temperature is down to a more comfortable 76 degrees Fahrenheit. The plant is down to 4 liters of water every two days, instead of every day.


You can see the fall colors coming in with the lower fan leaves. They're not as efficient as they use to be, so the plant is pulling nutrients from them to put towards bud production.


You can see the bent over stem stalk above, all the stalks and colas shooting upwards are branches. I've been happy with this plant grow, four more weeks until harvest :) Soon the weed budget will be stacked instead.


Return of the Clone

Before I put the above budding female Pink Apricot plant into bloom, I made a clone from one of her lower branches. The clone is an exact genetic copy, so this clone will be a bud producing female too.

IMG_20230219_143833_243.jpg Week 2

The Pink Apricot clone finally grew enough roots to begin growing more leaves. You can see the one leaf that couldn't keep up when the plant went back under the big lights, the rest of the plant seems fine. I have this clone in the basement tent, under a smaller light, you can see this plant stretching upwards a little more than its mother did. The taller plant will actually be useful for training, I'll be bending the top of this main stalk over to the ground too. The cycle of buds continues.

IMG_20230228_095500_725.jpg Pink Apricot clone Week 4

Have a great day!


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