bladiebla by loona

A new week with new opportunities. And here in the southwest of the Netherlands, autumn has started. Rain showers. time for hot chocolate or something. I watched the Buckys breath today. That is also a tester of bif beans. And that's really good genetics. This one has grown a bit in the shadow of the Donni. But I can say that it is not inferior. in fact this is really a frost bomb. She is also starting to smell a lot. Fortunately I have 2 tents that stop the smell as much as possible.

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves

It's nice to see that my weed has gotten so much better since I started. And I'm happy to share what I've learned with you. My last improvement is that I got good soil. Biobizz. Is a premix with peat in it. I also make sure that my pH is below 6.5 and above 5.5 I have a device for that. A good bulb and good genetics. And good filters for the smell



I think this weed is going to be super good. I must have waited a little longer. I think so by the end of the week. That I'm going to decide if I'm going to cut it. For now I'm going to do something else. Do some laundry and clean up my house.

I don't have much else to say at the moment. I hope everyone had a good weekend. And that we can continue this line to a posetive week. Dear wonderful people until the next post


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