😂bedtime story😋


2 seeds are sprouting. And a 3rd is on the way. and I looked in the tent again today and those 2 plants standing there are clearly women with small buds. So that's good to start the spring with. And now my medication is starting to work. I'm going to see that too. But today I've been worrying about little things again. I really need to get some sense in life again. I've been living in isolation for too long. I've also neglected many friends may not be the right word. But our paths were different. But now that the weather is nice outside, I sit inside wondering what I can do. This week a buddy of mine comes over and we're going to shoot a bit with an air rifle. I'm already looking forward to it. I also want to come back to an earlier post. bla bla by loona. And the reactions there are so deep and from the heart. that I just wanted to name it. It feels good to share here. Most people here have also experienced enough in life. And sharing each other's stories makes us all stronger. I also go for life again. Good nutrition, regular enough sleep. And active during the day. Which I struggle with.
So these are 2 female silvermacks. And this is another old photo I'll take a new one tomorrow. I had just watered and looked again and it is clearly starting to develop tops. Now I'm going to get rid of a bunch of leaves that are blocking light. And then we will really experience what the silvermack is like. I've been trying for a good year but so far only had males. And I went to try something different. But this weed is weed with a story And a sister of the bigmack.

I am far from the best breeder here. But I'm starting to build up some experience. But za as soon as you think now everything is going well. Something can always happen. But I have built the confidence here to persevere. And if you can do better you should make a blog lol. I work organically as much as possible, no crazy food addition. And when I'm done with weed, it's often better than what I can buy. I look to other growers here at weedcash. And I learn so much. But I stay stubborn and do my own thing. With minor changes. I love growing weed and the contacts I made here.
I admit one such plant is quite yellow. I added some extra worm manure. And also given some water better dosed.
And that big mack was also yellow, but that supper tasted delicious and the buds are beautiful. are the leaves that are yellow. But I'll take some leaves off and we'll see what the worm poop does.
My best plant I grown the big mack

I hope you liked my post. I do my best and take more and more time to really make something of it. I'm having fun anyway 😋✌

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