Supercropping and training to improve yields

So my plants have been trucking along really nicely now in soil without much input from myself, but I learned from my first grow, you want to train your plants to really maximize yields and how much light will reach your bud sites. For some reason, a lot of people don't recommend stress training autoflowers as it can stunt them, but during my first run, and in the middle of my second, I haven't found that has been the case. Between evening out the canopy, strengthening stems to support more weight, an seeing the growth bend back towards the light, I'm not sure what I like more about supercropping. I'm using these nifty 3d printed supercroppers here on my plants from JSK, one of the @bifbeans brothers. They make it super easy to do, no worrying about if you've snapped off the branch or not, just pop it on, and it'll keep the branch bent until it outgrows the fixture, at which point, it's designed to just break off. Honestly besides supercropping and defoliating, there's not much else I do. What's your training regiment for your plants? Do you LST? Do you HST? Combination of both? None?


The supercroppers I purchased can be found here:

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