Hi there my wonderful friends of the WeedCash Network community on Hive blog and greetings to all fellow Hivers. In my very first blog post in this community I'll be enumerating 10 wonderful benefits of Cannabis that you might not I have come into awareness or realization. Yes indeed, addiction can cause serious problems but the right use of this will bring positive benefits to you and your body.


I am in no way encouraging the over use of this product. If you have a medical condition, it would be wise to first see a doctor before even thinking about using cannabis to solve a problem.


Cannabis, which is sometimes referred to as marijuana, has generated a lot of controversy throughout the years. This is primarily due to the negative effect of over using or misusing the plant. But more recent scientific studies have highlighted the many benefits of this adaptable plant. Cannabis has considerable medicinal potential or benefits and can enhance our wellbeing in a number of ways in addition to its use for recreational purposes. In this blog post, we will examine ten outstanding advantages of cannabis that I think you may or may not be aware of.



Pain relief

The analgesic effects of cannabis are well known. THC and CBD, two cannabinoids found in cannabis, interact with receptors in the endocannabinoid system of our bodies to effectively reduce pain and inflammation brought on by ailments like neuropathic pain, migraines, and arthritis.

However I would advice that you see a doctor before having to use this plant to relief you of your pains. The reason I suggest this is because pain is usually the body's way of signaling you of a problem in the body system. So it's better to go for a checkup at the hospital before using this plant as a solution.

Stress and Anxiety Management

Cannabis can aid in reducing the signs and symptoms of anxiety and stress. CBD, a non-psychoactive component of cannabis, has been shown to ease anxiety and induce relaxation, making it a viable substitute for conventional drugs.

However again I would advice that you see a doctor and maybe you try to relax. Stress and Anxiety can be caused by you thinking to much about a problem or working a bit too hard. Try to relax and calm down. You can use this plant if after trying the basic solutions and you still see no results.


Sleep Aid

People who have trouble sleeping may find cannabis helpful. Some strains, such as indica-dominant kinds, have sedative effects that can help people sleep better and fall asleep more quickly. This is basically sleeping tablet 😅.

Neuroprotective Properties

According to research, cannabis chemicals may have neuroprotective benefits, which may be advantageous for people who suffer from neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. These substances have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant characteristics that guard against harm to the brain's cells. I would advice that you seek help from professionals about your condition before using cannabis to solve this particular problem.

Stimulation of Appetite:

Cannabis is known to promote appetite, which may be helpful for people undergoing chemotherapy or dealing with illnesses that make people lose their appetite, like HIV/AIDS or eating disorders. Yeah, you are about to eat like crazy guys😅😅😅.

Relief from Nausea and Vomiting

Cannabis is a useful choice for people undergoing chemotherapy or experiencing symptoms related to gastrointestinal illnesses because both THC and CBD can lessen nausea and vomiting. I'm pretty sure you didn't know this one right. 😅

Management of Epilepsy

Drugs derived from cannabis have been effective in treating several types of epilepsy, including Dravet syndrome. CBD is proven to have anticonvulsant qualities, which help some patients experience fewer and milder seizures. This is not exactly a cure though guys but a way to help the situation. However, like I keep repeating, see a doctor before trying to using this solution.


Muscle Relaxation:

Cannabis can ease the stiffness and spasms of the muscles brought on by diseases like multiple sclerosis (MS). Analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of the plant aid in muscular relaxation and discomfort relief. I wonder if this is good for after workout pains. 🤔 Let me know in the comments section guys.

Glaucoma Treatment

Research has revealed that cannabis can aid in lowering intraocular pressure, which is a major contributing cause to the onset of glaucoma. Cannabis can help delay the disease's course and safeguard vision by decreasing blood pressure. It will make the patient a bit more relaxed.

Stimulation of Creativity

Many artists and creatives contend that cannabis can stimulate imagination and serve as an inspiration. It can promote a state of relaxation and increase focus, creating an atmosphere that is favorable for creative inquiry. However, I would advice that you don't entirely depend on this for your entire life or career as that would eventually make you very addicted and could lead to serious health conditions.



I hope you enjoy this brief blog post of the benefits of Cannabis. I have constantly stressed on the fact that if you're going through a health condition, see a professional or doctor before trying to use cannabis to solve your problems guys. Thanks so much for reading my blog. If you have any comment, concern, question or suggestion, I'll be happy to respond to it in the comments section below. I wish you an awesome day guys. See you in my next blog post.
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