Indoor Garden Update - Planting The Clones

Hello Everyone,

The cannabis plants are coming along nicely and not much has changed in the past couple of days except for the plants are getting much larger.

The two Big Mack Superstar's are three months old and I'm not sure how much longer I should wait to induce flowering. I'm thinking we're getting close to that time.

Let's have a look at some photographs.




I decided to move some plants to the closet. The tomato plant keeps showing signs of light burn (I think) and it's getting worse, so changing to much lower powered lights will let me know if it's indeed light burn. If it continues to get worse, it's probably nutrient related.

The sunflower is looking pretty beautiful so far and the green onions are pretty good as well and will do fine under these lights, as they have in the past.

The pepper plant is looking really pretty for its size, and I am not sure moving it to this closet is a good idea, but I will be dedicating the big tent for flowering cannabis and really don't want other plants in there during that time, although I might move plants in there during light hours for the benefit of the more powerful lumens.

Tomato plant

Sunflower (held with a couple 3D printed gardening stakes)

Happy and healthy Cayenne Dragon

Clones and seedlings

The clippings are now planted in paper cups. They were not shooting roots but the one I planted early has grown some healthy roots, so I am thinking planting them with a fresh rooting hormone dip will do the trick just fine. The one in the far left rear corner is the one I planted a few days ago and it's looking droopy and weak but has some real healthy roots starting, so it should be just fine.

I have three Bangerang/Slipper Susan seedlings that are looking great and am excited to see how they look as they grow in size.

I have two sprouts of unknown origins from a large and mostly no good lot of seeds that only sprouted two out of around two hundred.


These are some serious Big Mack Superstar beasts and I have four clippings from each plant beginning to root in paper cups.

Although two females would be nice for the mother plants, I would also be happy with one male and one female, because this would make seeding possible. I probably won't seed the mother but I'll seed some clones later on if things turn out this way.

I'm thinking I will induce flowering cycle pretty soon, maybe within a few days.

That will do it for this update.

What do you all think of how things are coming along? I would love to read your thoughts below!

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Thanks for stopping by, have a great day! -@futuremind

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