🌱 Germinating Cannabis Seeds 🌱 🌚

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🌜 The Princess Garden 🌛

There is one month left to start the outdoor season in all its splendor in the Southern Hemisphere. But the desire to grow won me over and I anticipated the season a little.

For those who don't know, here in Argentina there is Reprocan that regulates the cultivation of medicinal cannabis.
I have a self-cultivator patient license,
It enables me to have up to 9 flowering plants.

So this year better plants are coming.

The flower on this side is a Critical Haze Auto from Merkaba Seeds, a new seed bank from the province of Cordoba, in Argentina.

Love the energetic boost of this plant.


On the previous full moon I put seeds to germinate:

12 Bublegum Auto Merkaba Seeds
6 Joannes CBD Royal Queen Seeds
3 Acid Dought Ripper Seeds
3 Kraken Buddha Seeds
3 Watermelon (given to me at a cannabis festival)
6 NN from the previous harvest that was a bomb that made your pulse tremble.

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💓 Germinating 2023 💓

As many already know, the sprouting process is simple. It doesn't hold any major secrets. And it is perfectly explained on many internet sites.

Some prefer to do it between two plates, inside a tupperware with damp napkins, in jifis... I particularly decide to do it simply by placing the seeds in the moist soil and leaving them undisturbed in a place indoors near a window.

I water them approximately every 24 hours and never let the substrate dry completely.
Approximately in a period of one week to 15 days, the seedlings appear.

In this way I save a critical stage for me, which was manipulating the exposed roots once they leave the shell. And moving them to a pot and all that makes me a little lazy too haha. I try to do as few transplants as possible.

So I let nature take its course. And my job is just to light one up and be in a good mood to send the best vibes to these little plants that are coming.


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... and keeping them moist

Once the seedlings emerge, it is important to keep them moist but not waterlogged. For those purposes, I use this sprayer that allows me to wet its little leaves with a gentle mist that doesn't knock them down.

In the next few days I can show you how much you have grown.

I'm an apprentice, but if you ever need help farming we can talk. And share advice.

I will be writing everything I know in subsequent posts, along with photos of my plants, some from before and with the monitoring of this new crop. I hope to learn a lot in the process, on the path to becoming a master grower.

My goal is to interfere as little as possible with the course of nature. Organically compose beautiful living soil that supports healthy and powerful plants. Be happy accompanying its growth and flowering process.

🌱happy week🌱


Texts, Fotos & Videos by @faunobrujo

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