Vaping Oil or Dry herb Vaporizing which is healthier what's the difference?


Given that I'm a vaping millennial that makes their own vape fluid, This may in fact be one of the only questions I'm qualified to answer. I have been stressing for a while now not to trust the vapes that even dispensaries provide and a recent Investigation by Leafly Reveals Inadequate Cannabis Vape Controls and regulation even in dispensaries.

For the healthiest vaping experience I recommend dry herb vapes they are just safer, However if your going to utilize vape cartridge's or oil make sure the terpene additives are cannabis based and not food grade additives. However even that is not foolproof from metal being burned off to the improper type of wick there are many reasons that cannabis E-liquid can be and is dangerous.

This Video can explain the differences in vapes

I Make my own Vape E-liquid

Typically utilizing the flavorless liquidizer from
I produce my own E-liquid with distillate, or rosin, Hell even just dry flower one time didn't work great but I tried it. The Flavor added ones have the same issue that I have previously mentioned the fruit flavors are food grade.

Do you know what popcorn lung is? Neither did the doctors in the modern era until vaping became prevalent, Popcorn lung started occurring in individuals exposed to a butter flavor additive in popcorn back in the 40s during popcorn production. This same butter flavor additive was originally green lit for use in e-cigarettes, Causing cases of popcorn lung an aliment almost not seen for half a century.

While not all food grade tenpins are going to likely cause something severe, The problem is we dont know the possible health issues down the line inhalation of these products can cause.

I would error on the side of caution however in most cases and either use a dry herb vape or something like a G pen for concentrates. The concentrate vapes can even be a healthier alternative to dabbing, They can in some cases have the temp set just high enough to vape the THC but not the carcinogens, tar, and sugars found in most dabs that have not been turned into distillate or something cleaner.

commonly called shatter wax or dabs BHO or butane hash oil actually concentrates chemicals from the plant that are not great to smoke around 1/8 of an ounce of dabs is what they would refer to as slag or tar a nasty mix of chemicals from the plant that cause you to cough.

Vaping dabs out of something like a globe or G Pen with a temp control can avoid a lot of those chemicals with a higher burn temp.

My recent recipe

Though I did not post this one my last E-liquid recipe contained something different, I used Floraplex terpenes. This is supposedly a cannabis based terpene producer, I'm fairly picky and I didn't have a problem with the product quality.
It even tasted similar to gelato but i used live rosin with it so the flavor was a little off. Using .2 ML terps .8 ML liquidizer flavorless and a little less then a 1 G Live resin. It didn't give me a nagging cough or headache like the fruit flavor but this could be purely subjective.


I'm a millennial that vapes not a doctor any health advice given is simply my opinion not backed with any training in the medical field.

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