The Start Of A New Chapter

We are now live! You can veiw the new front end here. You have two options to log in. The prefferd way is Hive Keychain. Then the second way is Smart Lock, which lets you put in your Posting, and Active Key. There are still a few kinks to hammer out, so please be patient. But the site looks great! We need everyones help to get the word out, especially outside of the Hive Blockchain. So If you are on Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, and Twitter, let people know. If you are on Twitter you need to check out Posh. It is a very cool service created by @acidyo. When you register, your Hive links will be posted as a comment for whatever post you are promtoting. Then on top of that you earn Posh Tokens. If you need an account made, just let me know. I will make a free account, and with the last Hardfork we know can Delegate RC's. The future is bright! Make sure to hit that Subscribe button, also follow @canna-community, and @thelogicaldude for upcoming announcements.



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