Update 12 (Big Mack Superstar & Miracle Mack)

Good morning growing enthusiasts! Today is week 14 and I have
finally decided what to do with these beautiful ladies! I tried to make room for them in two different areas of my basement but the only spaces I have, one spot the ceiling would be too low and would definitely burn them and the other spot I noticed has a foundation leak which lets water into my basement and is not ideal for them.

So the only thing I can do without compromising their full potential, is give them room outside. They will be in my back yard for a while until I can transport them to their new homes.

I have decided to grow in a new place this year because with the price of gas and my time being limited, I cannot travel to my friends house every week. He was disappointed but I told him I would come out once in a while to help him if he needs it.

I plan on growing within a 5 to 10 minute drive from where I live. I wish I could just put them in my back yard but with the alleyway light always on they will not bud. Trust me I already tried. I do plan on getting some autos for my yard though and they should do good considering they will get all day sun and the street light at night.

Well, on with the pictures....

These pictures don't do these plants justice as you can't really get the gravity of how beautiful they really are!

Most of the clones I took for my friend are gone. He came last weekend to get them and I didn't realize I took clones from the same plant!

So instead of giving him 4 BMS and 4 MM he got 6 BMS. Not sure how I fkd that up but I did!

So this weekend I will take more of the MM and call it a wrap until I can start taking some of the Northern Lights.

You can see the clones I took about 13 days ago are doing great. They do have some roots as I pull on them a little but will leave them in until this weekend and hopefully get with my friend so he can take the 4 MM I did for him. I may take 4 more MM for myself this weekend so I have some to put outdoors.

The Northern lights are doing good too but the one in the back is lacking light as you can see it's not growing like the other one that is directly under the light.

Once I put the BMS and the MM mama's outside I will move the small NL under the Kind LED and I'm sure it will boost back!

I wanted to bud these mama's out indoor but my timing on everything was way off. Because of procrastination these girls will get a full season of outdoor grow but should be monsters by the time harvest season gets here.

The mama's are getting really bushy as I keep bending them down to keep them from getting too close to the light.

I don't trim my fan leaves like some people do as I believe they need those leaves to promote good health of the plant. Some say it helps the light get through to the bottom of the plants but why trim them when you can just bend them over and in doing so lets the light do the same thing. I may be wrong but it's just how I've been growing for a long time now. The only time I remove leaves is when they naturally die off and turn brown.

Well that's it for this update and I hope you all have a beautiful day!

Let me know if you trim your fan leaves and if you do, why? I'd love to hear everyone's perspective on the topic.

Until next time, keep growing my friends!
Peace! ✌️

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