Vida perdida/lost life . ESP/ENG

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Un sujeto rodeado de soledad, frio y neblina oscuridad resaltan las estrellas resplandeciente es la luna en lo ultimo de una colina en compañia de una

Taza de café,cigarros y un porro de cannabis sativa mientras quema los problemas de su vida los olvida no todos crecimos con Padres juntos no todos teniamos

Ese gran arbusto en donde podiamos tener sombra y unos buenos frutos no todos podiamos darnos esos gustos

A subject surrounded by loneliness, cold and mist darkness highlights the shining stars is the moon at the top of a hill in the company of a

Cup of coffee, cigarettes and a joint of cannabis sativa while burning the problems of his life he forgets them not all of us grew up with Parents together not all of us had

That big bush where we could have shade and some good fruits, not all of us could give ourselves those tastes

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