Rising Star Journal - Road to Fans Millionaire #49 + Music Spotlight + Giveaway

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Greetings everyone, how has the week been for all of you? I shared moon related tunes in view of Mid Autumn Festival in my last week's post. Today's post will be Music Spotlight, my current game progress, results of the last giveaway and the new giveaway this week.


Music Spotlight

Today's Music Spotlight, I will be sharing something about Xin Yao (in Chinese 新谣).

I was pondering over what music to share, then it struck me that, why not share something unique to where I was born and live in, Singapore.

Xin Yao is a popular Mandarin Genre that arise in Singapore during the phase where Singapore was undergoing growth and industrialisation in the 1970s to 1980s. The word Xin Yao, which translates to Singapore Songs, is uniquely Singapore where both the composer are from Singapore.

Xin Yao distinctive style of Mandarin songs are generally conveyed through lyrics which are poetic in nature and clean acoustic accompaniments which are easy to the ears to listen to. Often, people group together sing and harmonize with one another, accompanied solely by the guitar. The poetic lyrics that were written were channels for young composers/musicians, in schools and institutions, to express their thoughts and feelings for love and friendship. This soon take the nation by storm, where many solo singers and groups were formed and subsequently gathered and performed in schools and community centres.

I was born during the peak of Xin Yao, while I was too young at that time to understand/listen to Xin Yao. The decline of Xin Yao happened across the 1990s where many strong singers/music emerged such as the boy bands, EDM and also awesome Mandarin singing talent in Hong Kong/Taiwan. While it did seem like Xin Yao decline, songs that were written back then become evergreen songs. These songs bring uplifting to moods and bring simple messages of love and friendship. Some of the songs were also included as National Day Songs such as Voices from the Heart (小人物的心声) and Small Stream that Flows Forever (细水长流) were sang during the nation's birthday.

Efforts are ongoing now to bring the resurgence to Xin Yao through an initiative/program called S-Pop (Singapore Pop). Hope that this national genre can continue on for years to come.

So let me present to you some of the evergreen tunes that I was talking about:

Title: Voices from the Heart (小人物的心声)
Singer: Wu Jia Ming 吴佳明
Remarks: This song lyrics really touches my heart, as it teaches us the value of content. One of the line goes with "我从来就不在乎自己不是一个大人物, 因为平凡也是一种幸福" which translates to "I never care if I am not an important person because being ordinary is also blissful" which really showcase to us the merit of being contented and not sought after fame or fortune.

Title: Small Stream that Flows Forever (细水长流)
Singer: Liang Wern Fook 梁文福
Remarks: Another amazing song, written by Associate Professor Liang Wern Fook which fully shares how friendship is. These few lines also touches close to my heart and truly depict how I felt for a close friend. "霓虹纵然再嚣张, 我们的步履有方向, 成败不论切莫将昔日遗忘" which translates to "For the rainbow will continue to be there, and we have our directions in life. No matter success or failure, let's not forget our time together".

These are two of my favourites from Xin Yao. Hope you'll like it as well. If you wish to find out more about Xin Yao, comment below and I will share more with you.

Current Game Stats


Player Rank: 465
Unique Cards Owned: 423
Fan Club: FC1

Pack Opening
Fans increase is average, but I've manage to get a couple of Rare Guitar which helps in focused instrument.

Stats wise



The Prize
8888 Starbits (Why 8888? 8 is very auspicious number for Chinese culture)


  • The giveaway will be based on the music spotlight for today's post.
  • To qualify for the giveaway:

Tell me which of the 2 songs in music spotlight is your favourite and why.

  • Only 1 entry per person and please also indicate your risingstar user name in the comment
  • Winner will be selected by the tool https://hivetools.up.railway.app/picker/
  • Do follow me so that you will not miss out any giveaways.

Results of Last Giveaway

Only @henruc answered the question proper with the song he likes and why. No other proper entries.


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After thoughts
Today's announcement on requirement for STARPRO for music lesson is a good one and I fully support it. Hope you've like what I share in Music Spotlight and have an awesome weekend playing Rising Stars.

See you next update!

Join Me
If you haven't start playing Rising Star, you can join me via this link below:



I am currently part of PIZZA, an active gaming and creative arts crypto community on the HIVE blockchain and part of PIZZA guild. Popular cryto games such as SPLINTERLANDS, RISING STAR and HASHKINGS are actively discussed in this community.

Many events are being organized from time to time. Join the PIZZA DISCORD. This is a place filled with 💰🍕🎁GIVEAWAYS & AIRDROPS💰🍕🎁 and most definitely consisting of a friendly community to be in.


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