Rising Star Personal Milestone - Reaching Level 55! - Plus winner of 500 Starbits and new giveaway announced!

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Hello once again people of Buskeria! This is silentwill and it's my second post about Rising Star.

In case you're not in Buskeria trying to create a name for yourself as an artist yet, Rising Star is a free-to-play music career game that let's you earn Starbits and Star Pro tokens which are tradable in the Hive engine. It's the most relaxed blockchain game you can play: all you need to do is to go on a mission and come back when it's done to collect your Starbits and go on another one until your energy is depleted, while at the same time you discover awesome music from independent artists and collecting cards. A lot of the songs here are really hidden gems that need to be heard by many! Later on in the game, you need to do balancing with your skill stats and the number of your fans to keep your ego in check, but it's not overly complicated and won't stress you out.

If you are an independent artist irl yourself, the game also gives you a chance to have your music reach wider audiences. Sounds cool, right?!
Last week, we celebrated getting my first Epic Card after I won it from a stream on Twitch and this week, we have another reason to party because I have reached level 55 in the game! I've reached this faster than even a lot of the Rising Star Twitch Streamers I follow who started the game ahead of me by doing a lot of music lessons to be able to manage my ego despite not having a lot of instrument cards yet.

What's good about reaching level 55 is that it unlocks the second to the last mission on the second zone of the map called Local Mini Tour Support! Aside from the level requirement, you also need 1200 fans to be able to do this mission and 100% energy. The mission takes 300 minutes to complete or 5 hours, perfect if you have a busy day ahead and may not be able to check into the game frequently. Each mission run gives me between 750 to 2403 Starbits (the maximum varies based on your fans and ego), 134 XP and 8 ego (as with all missions, this goes up every time you run the mission within the same day cycle).
Before we forget, let's also announce the winner from last week's 500 Starbits giveaway. I used a wheel spin to draw the winner and out of 13 who were eligible, the lucky player to be selected is...

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@xheadhunterz! Your 500 Starbits will be immediately sent after this posting. Congratulations and thanks for joining!!!
For the next Giveaway, in line with me reaching the big 55 or two 5's, we are giving away not one but TWO 500 starbits, that's 500 Starbits each to be given to TWO different winners! So you have twice the chance of winning this time around!

To join, please put in the comment "Two 500s for Level 55!" and give a follow so you will be updated on my next posts and giveaways related to Rising Star. And don't forget to leave your username in the game so I can send you the prize right away if you are selected as the winner. The two winners will be announced one week from now. See you next week and good luck!

Not playing Rising Star yet? Sign up and start playing for free!
Credits to @nane-qts for the very nice dividers.

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