Second Weekly Manage Your Band Competition! Do you have what it takes to beat the other musicians?! Prove it here and now!

Make a creative and lovely track and comment the link of your tracks below with your ign included.
The winner will be announced on Saturday somewhere throughout the day. The winner gets 50000 starbits!!!

To get to the page to make music, you start on the homepage and you press the spot where you can see my L7 John card!

The following window will open

Here you can pick and choose artists and instruments that you have and together they will create a unique sound for your band. After picking the right cards, you can preview the sound by pressing play.

When you are happy with the track, you can press save and copy the link to your track.


Do not forget to post that link with your ign in the comments of this post to win. If your ign is not included, you can not win!!! You should also follow my account to win!

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