My fight against ego


I just started playing @risingstargame at the end of February. So it's less than 3 weeks, but it's a wonderful journey. This is my stats per today (March 14th)


Before level 15, I play without specific strategy. Just do highest pay mission, set timer, do mission again. Then I level up to 15, and encounter ego. For me, ego is a beast, especially when I got a lot of drunk fans. As the ego is increasing, my incomes are decreasing. That is when I realize that I need to do something about it.

At first I collect starbits to buy People cards which has Skills more than Fans. Like R144 - Papa The Rapper and R94 - Stig



Then I realize that this is a short term solution. Because the skills that I got from cards are not permanent, what I mean is, sooner or later I will need to sell the cards. So I need a permanent, or at least a longer term solutions for ego. Then I try to do some research from other people experiences. The result is then strategy that I use until now :

  1. Do a variety of mission.
    I was spamming Saturday Headline Mission, then I realize the ego is increasing a lot. Now I only do 3-4 Saturday Headline Missions per day. I do other low ego missions in between

  2. Do music lessons
    If my ego is larger than 5%, I will start doing music lessons. Usually it takes 3 singing lessons to lower the ego. I am using R163 - Vintage Mic RS1 for singing instrument. The reason I'm using this card is it's cheap price. I got it for 5000 starbits and 4600 starbits.


  1. Pray
    No matter how good is my planning and strategy, If I receive a lot of drunk fans in a row, then the percentage of the ego will be rising and there's nothing we can do until they are sober and go away. So if I receive a lot of drunk fans, I'll do another 3 singing lessons in a row to lower the percentage. Just let that as an investment for the future.


This table show my daily in general, some changes might occur depending on my real life activities and Discarded Pizzas receive. Hope it helps

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