Weekly Report now able to record a demo

Hello everyone i thought i give a short overview what happened in the last days since my last post.

I managed to archive Level 42 right now. At my last post about 9 days ago i was at Level 38.
With this im able to do the Record A Demo mission where i get an average payment from 800 StarBits per mission.

My stats did not really changed, i managed to get my Ego down with missions i do 1-2 each day between my other missions.

After my last post i was looking more to get some StarBits aside for the soon coming level50 and StarBits Millionaire Missions so i decided to stake on some Records. This savings/staking made me 172 StarBits so far what is not bad in my eyes.
I have 46k StarBits staked to some Records

The goal now is to stake more StarBits to different Records to get some rewards for it and to get some better cards and stats soon.

Im working with 1 Pizzaslice and 2 Pizzaboxes which normally works pretty good for me and i almost don't run out of energy this way. I make up to 2k StarBits daily, sometimes with some luck even more. I start my first Record a Demo mission in the morning, after that i run a music lesson then some Radio interviews to get the energy down to refill it and start the next Record a Demo mission and repeat the circle, in the evening/night the last mission i start is a Record a Demo mission again so i can mostly start the whole circle in the morning again.

So with some patience and luck it is possible to get more and more out of the initial invest and the game is really fun. For me a part of my daily routine😉

And now on the way to the next goal the Acoustic Tent missions, hope to get there in the next week to report something interesting soon.

So now i hope this is not to boring and thank you all for taking the time to read and follow, i will follow back😉😎

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