⭐️ Rising Star - 3 custom production fair missions, new card opening and progress updates...

Hello and welcome to all the readers.

A good progress since last post.
I have been doing mix missions and accumulating starbits and XP. Progess as i have reached level 82 and Ego is 0%

Today, i did 3 custom production fair missions.


Found 2 WhitePanels and 1 ChromeMixer

Production Fair:


Card Pack Opening:

Opened a card pack and this is what i got:

R85 Carly - 100 fans, 75 skill, 4 luck
i36 Tubular Bells - 10 luck
46 Heather - 10 fans, 1 skill

A good fan/skill pack.
1 unique card and 2 duplicate card added.

update on goals for October:

TaskGoalCurrent Status
Custom shop missions155

** Starbits goal doesn't include the 15000 starbits needed to do custom shop missions.

Another goal is to buy the millionaire card by July'2022.

Game Stats:


Skills - 5069 from cards, 11665 from lessons
Temporary fans - 9315 from cards, temporary 0
Luck - 2010
Cards - 243

Ego from fans - 9315 (0 temporary drunk fans)
Ego from missions - 6471
Total - 15786

Players Ranking:


Rare Card Swaps:

Anyone interested in card swaps, please comment below.

Cards to swap:

People - R61 Vimbo,R59 Laney, R49 Bethany, R51 Brad, R54 Ellie, R71 Bekky, R77 Rezz, R85 Carly
Instruments - R57 Pink Mic, R46 Guitar, R45 Mandolin, R64 RS 30 Guitar Synth

Cards i want:

People - R48 Jessie , R50 Ali, R41 Storm, R66 Matt, R69 lucy, R5 Male Rapper, R42 Kris, R4 Female Rapper, R79 katie, R8 Lead Guitarist, R84 Shine
Instruments - R6 Congas, R43 String machine, R33 Hong drum

Thank you for reading my post.

Have a nice day.


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