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Rising Star weeklong jackpot 79068 STARBITS - results


I like it complex and dynamic

Like my giveaway, this Jackpot will have some dynamic parts and some fixed parts in the reward pool. First part is going to be fixed which will be 70K starbits (7 days of starbits millionaire mission). The dynamic part will follow this formula:
x * AVG(lvlA, lvlB)

x - number of distinct participants
lvlA - my ingame level
lvlB - ingame level of player ranking 100th in the leaderboard

Final formula looks like this
70000 + x * AVG(lvlA,lvlB) STARBITS

As you can see total prize pool will be determined at the end of submissions with a minimum prize pool of 70k.

For more details on how and what check original post

List of giveaways included in this round:
Giveaway #1
Giveaway #2
Giveaway #3
Giveaway #3
Giveaway #4
Giveaway #5
Giveaway #6
Giveaway #7



No. Entries - 141

No. distinct participants - 39

My level - 302

Level of ranked 100th - 164

Reward pool - 70000 + 39 * AVG(302, 164) = 79068

Finally, the winners are:

  1. @cibersk8 - 31627 STARBITS transactionId:"1974c00d969633d0f51fb818c95ba66705988317"

  2. @mairapanelo- 19767 STARBITS transactionId:"36fffa5e1f7eb0e65f3fb2abce35c75250d4973d"

  3. @belhaven14 - 11860 STARBITS transactionId:"2f7ebc2de7e6d4465f4bc2ec8511b93f61af097c"

  4. @boboman - 7907 STARBITS transactionId:"00e6f40bea06f4463df9547c3d16b9adefa4bde4"

  5. @dubble - 7907 STARBITS transactionId:"ad8b09e4f5c0e140cac9b66ce49f9b39bd269afe"

Congrats to the winners!!