60 days playing Rising Star Game, tips of Setting Milestones and buying cards for Beginners

Hello everyone, welcome to my 60 days of playing Rising Star Game update. This is my second post of this game, after sharing my first 30 daysmy first 30 days experience before. In this post I will share two tips for other players, especially beginners, about how to set your goals and a buying card tips.


First let me share you my update of 60 days playing @risingstargame . I am sorry actually this post is a lot delayed, about 2 weeks of time due to office works, Omicron issue, and Chinese New Year stuffs. Luckily things have got better and I could continue finishing this post.

header 60 days.jpg
all images © @risingstargame

My second month was a lot better than the first one. Fans and luck growth was more than double of previous month. I set my profile below so we could see both month stats quicker.

The reason why I have a good growth rate is because I have got a better understanding about this game mechanics. In this post I am sharing you guys a couple of things which are part of mechanics. First is about setting your goals and the second about in depth understanding in buying cards.


Most of new players, including myself, do not understand that there are stages in this game. Each stages needs certain goals to be fulfilled, let say these are milestones we need to achieve. Everywhere we go, in discord, in telegrams, or other media, new players are always asking some questions, it's natural, but from their question we can categorize them into two groups.

The first group are people who haven't got good understanding about the milestones, most of their questions will be like these:

  • I have reached level 20, what should I do next?
  • Should I buy a pack or some card directly?
  • Whay should I do now? ego has risen

Second group are people who already understand about these milestones they will need to achieve. Their question will be like these:

  • how many energy booster should I get?
  • Is it better to buy a discontinued card or they are the same?
  • Which one is better, buying multiple common cards or a rare card?

The second group aren't guaranteed they are smarter than the first one. By happens, they manage to understand the milestones. So what are those milestone anyway?

progress milestone.jpg

One of the simplest way of describing a milestone is by showing Buskeria Map. There are four Zones in Buskeria which each has requirements for unlocking the next zone.

  1. Home Town - Saturday Headline and i6 Mid Range Acoustic
  2. Local Gig Circuit - Band Auditions and a vehicle
  3. County Tour
  4. Country Tour

Everyone starts from home town. The first Milestone is that you have to own i6 Mid Range Acoustic and capable to do Saturday Headline. Doing Saturday Headline means you have to have at least 300 fans. The second Milestone is to finish local gig circuit. You must have a vehicle and capable to do a Band auditions which means having at least 1500 fans.

Total FansItem
Milestone 1300i6 Mid Range Acoustic
Milestone 21500a vehicle, any should be fine

local gig circuit.jpg

So based on these milestone, one day if you find a new player asking what he or she has to do next, keep it simple. Ask back, have you got to Zone 2, the local gig circuit? if not, get yourself atleast 300 fans and keep collecting starbits until you can get a i6 Mid Range Acoustic. If yes, keep up the good work, go for 1500 fans. Simple right?

Don't say something good or great like telling them to keep on purchasing packs... Yes that's good but there is high possibility they won't get anywhere from those packs because the right items isn't there. Better we try to guide them to see these milestones.

Some people are using different approaches, like setting their own milestones without any correlation with the zone. I am doing the same thing too however for new players, please understand these basic milestone, use them first. Later on you might have your own preference.

Please bear in mind, that this game is designed to be progressive. I have seen a couple of time that a new player refuse to advance to the next zone due to silly reason. For example, refuse to buy i6 Mid Range Acoustic due to its price, unwilling to pay that price and believe he could gain more from the saved starbits. Dear brother and sister of Buskeria, don't be a silly one doing that.. there are more interesting mission, more starbits you can get in the next zone.


Before we start buying cards, we should give these two questions to ourselves first:

  1. Whats the goal or problem to be solved by buying these card
  2. How much we should pay for them


There are many resons, most people will think for profits. Some say it's cheaper than buying packs, others may think for profits in selling them back later. I do not want to talk about the profitability in trading cards, what I want to talk about is related about our previous topic, MILESTONE and GOALS.

Personally I believe buying cards is more important than buying packs in the earlier stage because this way is the fastest and cheapest way to fulfill your goals. this mean there are 3 main goals in buying cards:

  1. Getting the right item, whether it is i6 Mid Range Acoustic or a vehicle. You can take Energy Boost and Pizza Box as part in this goal too.
  2. Getting more Fans, from buying people cards
  3. Buying Instrument to fight the EGO

For the first goal, required items and some boosters, @risingstargame2 has set the price in market. You guys can buy them directly from him/her without worry about getting it overpriced or missing them out due to sold out.


Now for the second and third goal, FANS and SKILL, How much should we pay for cards? The answer is simple, the cheapest as possible you can get. Then how much does a Card can be considered as a cheap one? This is why you need to set a target price, your budget, so whenever you see some card below your target price, it can be considered as cheap and you can buy it right away.

Every players have their own way to appraise a card price, I will share mine in simplified formula, so all of us can understand easily and you might be able to develop a better formula for yourself.

  • For early stages, I won't buy a Rare Card which priced above 8500 starbits. The reason is here:

for a 100.000 starbits you get 12 packs
each packs guarateed a Rare Card
We are guaranteed to have 12 Rare cards for 100.000 starbits
100.000starbits : 12rare cards = 8.500 starbits/rare card.

  • When buying a people card, I focus on the number of fans it has and I prefer to buy a card which priced below 70 starbits/fans

the target price is 8.500 starbits/rare card
A rare people card can have 100 to 150 fans, the median is 125
8.500 starbits : 125 fans = 68 starbits/fan

  • When buying an instrument, I won't buy any cards which costs me more than 100 starbits/skill

the target price is 8.500 starbits/rare card
A rare instrument card can have 60 luck
Instrument cards are cheaper than people card, usually about 70%
70% x 8.500 starbits : 60 fans = 99 starbits/luck

Those are my formula in setting my budget before hunting good cards. That number actually are higher than most experienced players budget. Some set their target a lot lower, for example about 50 startbits/fan. Let me show you another example below. Harmonium is being sold very cheaply in fact I have ditched my mics and now primarily using Piano as my music lesson.

harmonium price.jpg

There are reasons why I do not squeeze my budget in this post, the main reason is that I dislike encouraging people to be as greedy as possible buying card as low as it can get, not letting any traders to make any profit from it. Without card traders, this game could be stuck, people are holding cards only, no swapping selling or buying and this will kill the fun.

Now you have my basic formula and I think as time goes by, you will get more experience and soon might develop your own formula better than mine. Happy hunting 😘


For the next 30 days, I believe I won't be going to zone 3 because no way I can level up to level 75 that fast. I might need 2 months time to achieve that. So my next goal for the next 30days should be increasing daily starbits income. To get this, I have 2 things to do:

  1. Get some Energy Boosts and Pizza boxes. This will help me do more big missions, such as Record a Demo, Saturday Headline and Accoustic Tent. How many of them? I will share it later on my 90 days update.
  2. Get more Pianos to increase my daily skill growth. Currently I have 19 to 39 skill reward per lesson and I am aiming to get 35 to 70 skill reward per lesson. The reason is simple, more big mission = more ego... and higher luck = more drunkard coming
    piano lesson 26 jan.jpg

and the last... but not the least

although it's a bit late, as Ronny Chieng has said in his channel, I will say


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