Once upon a time there was a "social network" on the blockchain.

"A True Marketing Campaign"

¡A Nice Welcome!

"When your voice was worth something"

¡An Easy Sign Up Process!

¡And they paid you to do it!

¡Now Introduce Yourself!

"And become into a VERIFIED account"

¿Let's see how much your voice is worth?

¡Nice voice Bill. Good for you bro!

¡Let's check your account value now!

¡Holy Moly Bill! ¿Are you coming from Bitshares or something?

It's hard to tell if Steemians are who they say they are at times. Many of us from the BitShares forum know each other well enough to tell if we're really talking to the same person or we have verified via some means that the account controlled here in Hive is the same person. For instance, we made a post on our blog and linked to it early on to prove the owners of the elite brotherhood of early Steem miners of Bitshares owned this account.

But not everyone does this, especially new users who were not a part of the BitShares forum or members on BitcoinTalk. How do we know they are who they say they are? Because one problem with simply verifying someone one time is that not everyone will know they've been verified by a small group of people.

¿How many members of the Bitshares brotherhood of early Steem miners, the current Top 20 Hive witnesses, the wealthiest HP stake holders and the biggest downvoters on our "social network" on this blockchain have you seen before holding a stupid Hi little sign on their chest so that people know them well and be verified like they demand to everyone else? ¿Have you ever seen a real picture of any of them?

I propose that we come up with a solution to this problem so that all users know immediately at any time if another Hiveian has been verified to be who they say they are by the greatest mass of users of the Hive community in the entire ecosystem. Especially all these privileged ones that I have already mentioned in the paragraph above.

They all just continue to sell off massive amounts of Hive every week for whatever the current market price is, while they do nothing to really improve the platform as a whole. Who the fuck runs a business like this? I'll tell you who. Someones who gets paid regardless of whether or not it succeeds. If it fails, who cares? I made a ton of money in the meantime.

So, this way all users will know immediately they are dealing with the correct person and not a bad actor or fake business account setup to scam people here on Hive. Always downvoting people left and right and with premeditation, malice, perjury and impunity stealing people's pennies whenever they feel like it arbitrarily and unjustifiably.

Or trying to impose their stupid whims on others by harassing, threatening, intimidating, censoring and finally driving them off the platform by putting them on a stupid and arbitrary blacklist for life. Which according to them, this justifies their downvotes and thus steal them of their author rewards and "content curation" earnings with impunity protected by their anonymity and lack of accountability before the community.

Yeah, this would hopefully prevent abuse of the system by multiple sock-puppet accounts if they verify their own main account and stop gaming the system to the detriment of the whole community and the entire ecosystem. And of course, you and everyone here must know very well what accounts and what users we are talking about.

And if by chance you don't know who they are. Well, you don't have to do any more than «click» on all the links in color letters that I have left throughout this post so that you get a very good idea of who the hell they are. ¡Only «clicking» will make you wiser!

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


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Cranky Gandalf


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