Welcome To Our Mastermind Group Community

Where Two Or More Minds Come Together In A Spirit of Harmony, A Greater More Powerful Mind Is Created: The Mastermind. Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

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Our Mastermind Group is a community of Hivers, solo business owners committed to self-to self-development by collaborating, connecting, and sharing business operating experiences.

Mastermind groups are invaluable to small business owners who work alone. Many of them lack the focus required to get to the next level. Most entrepreneurs seek solutions to increase stagnated revenue streams. While others try to build reliable support networks.

**What Makes A Mastermind Group Different? **

There are many ways to develop oneself. We can read books, go to schools, attend workshops, and seminars, or be an apprentice.

None of these self-development techniques has all the elements of a Mastermind group.

For starters, Mastermind Group's performance, and results are all in the real world. A foundational tenet of a mastermind group is based on the religious philosophy that man is interdependent. That is, we need each other to survive.

In every sphere of life, man relies on the intelligence of others, either past or present to accomplish anything worthwhile. Alone, an individual’s accomplishment is limited to his intelligence and the influence he has on others.

No other self-development tool has all of the following elements which makes mastermind groups different. The success of the group is determined by the state of each of these elements.

1, Structure: – Mastermind meetings are all scheduled events. The facilitator organizes the meeting using a defined process. This group will host two virtual meetings every month on a date to be determined.

  1. Commitment: - The cornerstone that empowers any mastermind group is the level of commitment members have to their self-development. Ideally, mastermind group members pledge to make a personal and financial commitment to the group.

  2. People: - Nothing happens without the people and the mindsets they bring to the table. Each member must be willing to contribute time, talents, and resources to assist each other in accomplishing goals. The group builds synergy and camaraderie are essential elements of a mastermind group’s success.

How Does It Work On The Hive Forum

Mastermind groups are usually limited to 5 to 10 individuals because individual attention cannot be given in larger groups.

Our Mastermind Group on Hive is intended to educate members on the various aspect of the mastermind philosophy. We will post ideas worth sharing as pontificated by classic authors like Napoleon Hill.

The intention is that members of the community will appreciate the value of mastermind groups. Hopefully, Hive members can eventually start their mastermind group.

In the Our Mastermind Group forum here, members can ask questions, make recommendations or share ideas

As the group grows we will host two virtual meetings every month, and members here are provided a link for those meetings.

These meetings, will provide the Hive community members, an opportunity to experience a mastermind group meeting. Initially, we will not limit attendance volunteers will be allowed to get on the “Hot Seat” while members assist with recommendations, suggestions, and directions.

The power is within you, and the mastermind group is one way it can be released to accelerate your success. I’m glad you could join us.

Please feel free to ask any questions that you may have about this Community.

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