Krakow and Its Faces


We have such a fine day today in Kyiv. For some reason, it reminds me of Krakow... Maybe it is its mild colors or warmth that embraces me tenderly. Of the seven days of the week, Friday is always special. It is private, quiet, a bit solemn, my day just for me. And this post isn't about facts, names or numbers, it's about ambiance and sensation.

Just realized I visited it less than a month ago but it seems like ages. It was a big event and big deal for me, my first HiveBeeCon that was both similar to HiveFest and not at the same time. Big deal because... I don't travel now, and you know why. And when I go somewhere once a year (big thanks to Hive for this 鉂わ笍) I am too lazy to learn about history and landmarks and other things that I used to do before every trip of mine. Now I feel that my energy is enough to buy a ticket and book accommodation, but no more. Zero resources.

This long speech is not meant to soften you. This is actually my excuse for not being able to tell you about the places I photographed. Maybe you can tell me? If you have a desire of course. Don't worry if you don't know either, in that case, we will just walk along the ancient streets and enjoy looking up! How often do you look up during your walks? I have noticed that I see more interesting details when I walk alone. In Krakow, I have plenty of time for myself.馃檪

So, let's walk and see how much I remember.


This cute creature was my neighbor. I mean I stayed on the same street, even in the same quarter as this building from 1898. What is your guess, who is it? As for me, it is an owl. He resembles my friend from Kyiv. And a spider on the web. Really cute.



The baby dragon "lives" on the same building. I could make a post "Krakow and Its Dragons".馃榿




A very creative way to make a sewer pipe.



Now tell me - do you recognize these smiling ladies? I bet you looked at them many times. Or in their direction. This sculptural group is located above the central entrance in the Sukiennice on Krakow's main square - Rynek G艂贸wny. Krak贸w Cloth Hall is decorated with many characters. I will show you:






I wonder what was the idea of the author. Or a customer.

The last one is a monument to Adam Mickiewicz one of the most outstanding Polish poets, writers and Polish national liberation movement's activist. I know this because I heard his name since my childhood, not within a historical context but as the name of the square in the center of my hometown. Not a surprise that I ended up wondering who this person was.



These faces are much more modern. Art corner at one of the gates of the wall that surrounds an Old Town.

But what I found the most fascinating is the green circle of a cozy park that surrounds the old city. It is full of charm at any time of the day, especially in the fall. This is where I met the following creates. The first one looks like a fawn but it is not. It's an old man with a boy, and the face of the boy is so sad...

The next monument depicts some drama. Arthur Grottger - this is what I can reed.






The Crown, the Eagle and ... some mysterious face above the big clock and behind three towers crowned with a ... crown. Yeap.



Could I miss these couple of lovely birds? They decorate one of the most recognizable towers of Krakow. I hope you know what is this building.

I have no clue who is this lady, but for me, she resembles Gorgon Medusa. A little. Although it is not her, most likely. I just liked how she looked at the background of the cloud.


I found these guys at the facade of the old building. There were three of them actually, but the third face had a bad angle. If the first is Bacchus, the god of wine, then who is the second? Any guesses? Anyway, they are great.




Speaking about the wine... seems that I found the statue of my Patron Saint.馃槏馃挍 She holds a cup filled with nothing less than wine in her left hand. She is also wearing a luxurious dress. Yes, I still love dresses, especially when a girly girl takes over.


But where is it...? I was sure this is Bazylika Dominikan贸w pw. 艢wi臋tej Tr贸jcy w Krakowie but I am wrong. Well, seems that I got lost again.


Sometimes I had memory flashes, like in a movie. When I had strayed here I recognized the square at once. I was here many years ago, with a large group of noisy schoolchildren, among whom was my daughter. All I remember is me trying to photograph the church on my old camera using a 40mm lens. 馃槀





A few bright characters from the facade and the roof of Opera Krakowska. They are all unique and all inimitable! This was a marvelous find indeed!






Well, this is the most catchy painting with an intriguing plot I've seen recently. 馃槷


And this time it is in a Tomb of a Dominican church - Bazylika Dominikan贸w pw. 艢wi臋tej Tr贸jcy w Krakowie. I found it by accident, I mean I was looking around the church and saw the door and entered. Now I know I will not forget this place, as this church is the most impressive and my favorite among all in Krakow.


These angels are standing in groups, like in a real orchestra during a performance. They are playing violins, trumpets, harp. When I just came in I saw monks here singing. Ah, so beautiful!



When you walk aimlessly in an unfamiliar city, you most likely do not pay attention to the names of the streets. It is all the more interesting and challenging to look at the map and look for places where you walked. It's like walking again, this time through the corridors of memories...



Here is a Cow's head (very beautiful, by the way) and a Frog playing what looks like a small guitar. I saw them when walking along a straight boulevard heading to the Wawel Castle. And the Ram's head with magnificent horns is located perhaps somewhere at the Main (Rynek) Square.





Here is it, a Wawel Castle itself. Even the dragon has a crown here. I have made nothing less than a hundred images of it (@gtg can witness it because ... he is a witness 馃槀).

But I always especially like the different dragons and gargoyles that you can see if you stand in one place a little longer. Yes, this is why I love walking alone.








FINO VINO PORTOFINO. This is the motto / poem /name of a restaurant / random inscription on the picture. Or maybe it is the name of a cafe. All I know - this is somewhere in Kazimierz district, still Old Town. All these pictures are taken in Kazimierz.




I don't know whose are these large portraits but ... the guy with the phone looks familiar, no? 馃檮


This is almost the end.

A few more nice photos - another baby dragon and a house with wild animals and Mr. Faun playing flute (or whatever).



I remember when I first found a word "Faun" in an English book. Yes, "The Chronicles of Narnia". I searched for the translation, I mean I guessed that it was a kind of Magic Creature or an animal but what? And all I could find was Faun written with Cyrillic letters.馃榿 It was ages ago...



The End


Thank you for accompanying me and listening to my chatter. 馃檭馃槈

See you around!


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