Cherry Blossoms of Qingjing Farm, Nantou, Taiwan


You can check my previous post about the place of my dreams, which is Nantou County, Taiwan. I promised you would be bombarded by cherry blossom photos, and here it is!

I was surprised when I pinned my previous post in Pinmapple map that no one's pinning Qingjing Farm. There were pins near the area, but they were about Hehuanshan and a waterfall. It might mean that the farm is not famous to international tourists. In fact, most of the tourists were locals when we were there. It was on a Saturday, so the tourists were mostly families having a rest day.

As you might have observed, I didn't care about the sheep, even if Qingjing Farm is a sheep farm. I mean, I can see sheep anywhere at any time if I want to, but cherry blossoms only bloom in a short window and can't be seen in a tropical country like the Philippines. I'm so happy that we went to Taiwan at such a perfect time of its bloom.

The reason why I took a lot of photos both using my phone and camera is because, aside from undeniable beauty, they're just too fleeting. If you visit the area two or three days later, the scene might differ. Perhaps it's their fleeting nature that made them extraordinarily alluring.

I took these photos mostly at Green Green Grassland. Only a few blooms can be seen at Qingjing Skywalk. Go where the patch of cherry blossoms is, and you can find many tourists there. It's because it also serves as a shade provider under the sun's intense heat.

There was this sort of observatory or lookout at the northern part of the farm, which I considered a good spot for photos. We stayed there longer than any other spot and took a lot of these photos:

There's a castle-like museum or library at the top of the hill, but we didn't stay longer there because there were a lot of people and it was scorching hot. We stayed longer at the pathways where the cherry blossoms provided shade.

I guess that's all for this post! I decided to have Nantou as my first post in my Taiwan series because I wanted to have it as fresh from my memory as possible. In the next posts about Taiwan, I'll provide more details about this travel, including the process of going through immigration. See you!

Kim Ybañez

Welcome to Kim's small corner in Hive. He is a chemical engineer by profession but a blogger by passion. He is a wanderlust and an adventure seeker. Join his quests as he visits remote destinations, climbs mountains, tries new and exotic dishes, and explores his country (The Philippines). He's also a trying-hard photographer, so stay tuned as he shares his photos and his thought process while creating them.

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