Perceive black and white


Today is another day in black and white, and showing different motifs in full action where I had the intention of seeking harmony in the compositions, from architectural motifs, the human element to something like a simple flower contrasted in black and white.



Therefore, these photographs are part of almost the same point where I have been taking some photographs of the adjacent parts of the city of San Felix, specifically the center, which is usually a very chaotic and even stressful place, but in certain parts you can feel a little tranquility and without so many people, although you can also feel warmer in these places due to their proximity to the river.



The black and white applied to these urban scenes gives it that touch of more contrast perhaps due to the entire range of tones found in the scene, in addition to the fact that natural lighting is usually direct if there is no intervention from clouds or even infrastructure that can Disrupt lighting vision focused on key targets on these different grounds. Those reasons that are usually concurrent or fleeting, or that can also be static but with differences in perspectives.

All photographs are my author.

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