A visual Friday



At the least expected moment when I think I have no more photographs or reasons to take pictures, is when spontaneously many images come out that can have that interest within the frame, although in my case, as I usually use a lot of natural lighting, I have to take advantage of those minutes or seconds where the light can affect the subjects I want to photograph.



In this case for this publication, as you can see, I have published 6 photographs all in black and white, partly because I want to highlight the magic of black and white, and all that this style entails, but also because I think that I can take more advantage of the lighting in contrast with the motifs. So this photographic work comes a little bit from improvisation and the circumstances in capturing especially those moments of light.



Scenes that I found especially in my work area, an office that normally has almost no light, but on this day I had to open the windows because the air was damaged and I could not fail to take advantage of this moment to compose images thanks to the entry of light and incidence on selected motifs.

All the photographs are of my authorship.

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