A beautiful morning on a rainy day 🌨️

Hey everyone, I wanted to share something cool that happened last night. It rained all night long, and it was so calming. I love it when it rains or snows because it brings peace to my heart.

Anyway, as part of my daily routine, I wake up early every morning. When I looked outside this morning, the sky was a bit cloudy. But I stuck to my routine, tied my shoelaces, and went for a run.

I ran for about 4 kilometers, and
I even did some quick sprints and took breaks for 1 to 2 minutes after each sprint. I like running early in the morning because the air is fresh, and everything feels so peaceful.

While I was running, it started raining a little, but I didn't let it stop me. I kept going until I finished my run. There's something special about running in the rain, feeling the droplets on your skin while you move. It's refreshing and energizing.

When I got back home, I noticed something magical happening.
The clouds were starting to clear, and the rain had left behind some breathtaking views.

There were water droplets everywhere on the trees, leaves, flowers.

I spotted a small branch where a tiny water droplet was falling and I knew I had to capture that moment.

At first my phone's camera didn't want to focus on the water droplet. But after a few tries I finally managed to capture it.

It was such a beautiful ...

I wanted to share these photos with you all because they remind me of the simple joys in life.
Thank you..
Have a nice day 😊.

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