Band of brothers in the wild...πŸ˜€

Sometimes, I get to see funny siblings in wildlife. Here are some rare captures...

β€œI grew up with six brothers. That’s how I learned to dance – waiting for the bathroom.” – Bob Hope

πŸ˜€ That is funny isn't it? However, it is true that we learn a lot of life skills from our siblings. These mongoose kids seem to be in a battle mode but actually it is just a practice fight and they are just messing with each other.

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Band of brothers - mock fight mode

While the kids continued to prance around and fake their attacks at each other, having a gala time, Mom Mongoose waited in the middle of the road, exasperated after attempting to get the kids across the road...

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The exasperated mom!

When it comes to seeing siblings in the wild, who can forget the zebras ... posing like twin brothers. Perhaps they really are twins ? Or may be not - difficult to tell!

Can you tell us apart?

You think we only get to see brothers sticking together in the wild? How about 7 sisters sticking together (almost literally!). I found this bunch of Green bee-eaters huddled together on a foggy winter morning...

7 sisters

Speaking of birds, we often see pairs of male and female birds hanging together. However, it is rare to see a pair of brothers hanging together. I found these Tri-colored munias constantly hanging together. Though they were part of a flock, they always were together.

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Birds of a feather?πŸ˜€

Last but not the least, these two black buck young brothers were so inseparable that sometimes they seemed to be two heads on one body!

United at birth?

I hope you enjoyed the pictures of bands of brothers and sisters in the wild..

Please comment freely and let me know your opinion. I will try to bring many different types of wildlife photos/macro/Astro posts to the community. Feedback and comments are welcome,. I am still learning many techniques and always value feedback from experts in this community.

Have a nice day everyone. Cheers!

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