Hidden places I didn't know about (eng - esp)🌿

Photo taken with my xiaomi redmi note 6 pro phone - Foto tomada con mi telefono xiaomi redmi note 6 pro

Very good hivers I hope you are very well, in this publication one of my outings of exploration with some friends, no doubt the state where I live is incredible, so much so that I have been a few years knowing those places that I had not gone since I was a child or that are the first time I visit.

Muy buenas hivers espero que esten muy bien, en esta publicacion una de mis salidas de exploracion con algunos amigos, sin duda el estado donde vivo es increible, tanto así que ya llevo unos cuantos años conociendo esos lugares que no habia ido desde que era un niño o que son primera vez que visito.

In front of the beach called Mare - Al frente de la playa llamada Mare

In this adventure we wanted to go and visit a river called "la veguita" located in Macuto. I had already visited this river but I had never gone so far up the mountain, I was quite surprised by the amount of people that go to the river, I did not expect it but there were also moments of the road that was lonely and you could only hear the water coming down the river.

En esta aventura quisimos ir y visitar un rio llamado "la veguita" ubicado en Macuto. Este rio yo ya lo habia visitado pero nunca habia subido tanto hacia la montaña, me sorprendio bastante la cantidad de personas que van al rio, no me lo esperaba pero tambien habian momentos del camino que era solitario y solo se escuchaba el agua que bajaba fuerte.

Grandmother's house of one of my friends - Casa de la abuela de unos de mis amigos

But before we started as such to go up to the river and to the point we wanted to go, right there in Macuto lives the grandmother of one of my friends who was with us on the adventure, as we had gone on bikes, we decided to leave them at home and also some things, I only took my phone to take some pictures and my ID. I want to make it clear that I did this adventure about two years ago and now is that I am counting it.

Pero antes de empezar como tal a subir hacia al rio y al punto que queriamos ir, ahi mismo en Macuto vive la abuela de unos de mis amigos que estaba con nosotros en la aventura, como habiamos ido en bicicletas, decidimos dejarlas en la casa y tambien algunas cosas, solo me lleve mi telefono para tomar algunas fotos y mi identificacion. Quiero dejar en claro que esta aventura la hice alrededor de dos años y ahora es que la estoy contando.


At that point we rested a bit before arriving at my friend's grandmother's house and that postcard was taken in a rather popular and cultural plaza in Macuto.

En ese momento descansamos un poco antes de llegar a la casa de la abuela de mi amigo y esa postal la tome en una plaza bastante popular y cultural de Macuto.


As we climbed the road to the river got narrower and of course there was much more vegetation. Always telling the stories of how it was before and how it is now that river, as I told you I had already been there but I was very small and did not remember it so much, although I was surprised how much it has changed.

Mientras subiamos el camino hacia el rio se ponia más angosto y por supuesto habian mucha más vegetacion. Siempre contando las historias de como era antes y de como es ahora ese rio, como les conté ya yo habia ido pero estaba muy pequeño y no lo recordaba tanto, aunque me sorprendio lo mucho que ha cambiado.

We arrived at the point we wanted to reach and without wasting time we jumped into the river, I remember that day it was quite hot, we had a lot of fun and there were people who climbed even more but we did not want to go up because we were tired of walking so much. After a few hours we decided to go down to my friend's grandmother's house again and eat some bread and orange juice to get our strength back to our homes. We had to ride a few kilometers.

Llegamos al punto que queriamos llegar y sin perder tiempo nos lanzamos al rio, recuerdo que ese día hacia bastante calor, nos divertimos bastante y habia gente que subia aun más pero ya nosotros no queriamos subir porque estabamos cansado de caminar tanto. Luego de algunas horas decidimos bajar a la casa de la abuela de mi amigo de nuevo y comer algunos panes con jugo de naranja para activar las fuerzas y regresar a nuestros hogares. Teniamos que rodar algunos kilometros.

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