PhotoFeed Contest - Cityscape Photography - City on ACID.

Yes i choose this title - The city on ACID due to the nonstop traffic of the main road crossing the whole city from the North to South (or from South to the North - whatever). I see this traffic daily from the lobby window of the office where i spend my life, and its sounds very bad.

Published for the 📸 PhotoFeed Contest - Cityscape Photography Round 79 - @photofeed/photofeed-contest-cityscape-photography-round-79 by @photofeed !!!

I love to slow down the shutter speed of my camera. Just to make the moment less frozen, more fluid. It's like to put 10 frames of the regular old school 25 frames per second part of movie to one merging shoot. Some use the ND filters for this, i just put the ISO 100 and -3 stops exposure compensation with the goal to not to burn my frame.

For these who are still love to hang a prints to their walls or to use a postcards to write one the back some beautiful word to their loved ones.

Printable Art of many of my works is available in my Redbubble Store :

Redbubble 1.jpg


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