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Golden CrownBeard - Doesn't need to be perfect to shine!

Namaste to all #photography and #nature lovers. 🙏

These pictures are from a few days ago. The day after the first rain of this summer, when the weather was pleasant, I went out for a walk like every evening. And on the same path, I felt something shining on the plants growing on one side of the road. Here I would like to tell you one thing although I find all flowers very beautiful, but due to my love for the yellow colour, yellow flowers attract me on a different level. So when I saw these shining flowers in the dense plants, I could not stop myself from going closer to them.
Now try and understand the level of attraction from here. It had rained a day ago, after which the next day there were clouds in the sky, a light cool breeze, that fresh fragrance of the earth, the cleaned newly fresh green colour of the leaves and these blooming yellow flowers after the Real Rain Shower. :)
How can one just ignore this and move on?

By the way, again with the help of Google Lens, I came to know that the name of this flower is Golden Crown Beard.
Besides feeling happy admiring its beauty, you can also use it as a tea for arthritis discomfort, to reduce fever and increase sweating, and to reduce inflammation of the mouth and gums. . Topically it is used in the form of compresses, soaks and ointments for inflammation such as piles, postpartum edema and skin ulcers. Source.

However, looking at its flowers it seems as if they are not yet fully bloomed as in some places there are empty spaces between the petals, which looks a little odd. But I saw not 2-4 but more than 50 flowers then while searching about it, I also saw some of its pictures on Google and I came to know that this is its actual complete form.

"Just like the moon, It also doesn't need to be perfect to shine."

Now let me introduce you to a very new and exciting feature of Ecency. Through this feature, you can create polls with your posts which will help you establish a better and deeper connection with your friends and followers.
However, this feature is still being tested and it will take a few more days for its availability to the users.
Here I have tried to create a poll for you all, if you can see it, you know what to do. ;)