A Tradition and Dandelion Skeleton!


Do you remember, 5 days ago I shared photographs of dandelions? In that same blog, @phoenixwren told me about a tradition that if you make a wish and then blow away all the hairs (seeds) on a dandelion flower with a single blow, your wish will come true. And knowing this, I became very excited to fulfil my wish.

I did not see those flowers again for the next few days, but then today I saw some dandelion plants in which most of the flower hairs were already blown away. These flowers probably have a shorter lifespan because they are really very delicate.

But thankfully I found a whole dandelion flower for that tradition and as per the rule, I blew away all its hair in one breath and sent my wish out into the universe. :D

Now whenever my wish comes true, I will definitely share it with you!

But after the hair loss of the dandelion flower, the lower part of it looked like some kind of dry grass flower to me, so I thought why not take some pictures of it for you too?

The dandelion itself was quite small and now its lower part is even smaller. Although you can see it like the skeleton of a dandelion, but its shape is also like that of a flower, which may not be as soft and fragrant as a normal flower but looks quite nice.

With some of these you can still see some hair and some dandelions are still in full bloom.

I hope you liked Phone Photography! :D

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  1. English is not my first language. So sometimes I use 'Google Translate'. Please don't think that anything I have written in this blog has been copied from somewhere or is AI-generated.
  2. All gifs are created by @irisworld and @untilwelearn
  3. All the other content images and words are mine unless otherwise stated.

That's all for today.
Have a Happy and Blessed day!

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