SlideBackSaturday - Six Snowy Sunrise Snaps

Sorry (not sorry) for the alliterative roll I've been on lately with the post! But for today, I couldn't resist doing a #SlideBackSaturday (which is an actual, if not very popular, hash tag on social media) with Six Snowy Sunrise Snaps I took back on November 21st, 2016. A couple of them appeared in my Foto Friday post back then, but the other three have only been seen by myself, and my landlady (for no other reason than I was taking literally hundreds of photos a day back then, and couldn't keep up with posting them all!

While we had our first snowfall back in October this year, we have been somewhat lucky with the weather as of late - more warm days than chilly. Here's to hoping we don't make up for lost time over the coming winter!

#SlideBackSaturday - Six Snowy Sunrise Snaps

  SlideBackSaturday - Six Snowy Sunrise Snaps
1. Around 8am in the morning, after the first snow of the season arrived overnight. The tracks are courtesy of our youngest and Sid (our cat) when she took him out for his morning constitutional.
  SlideBackSaturday - Six Snowy Sunrise Snaps
2. Our landlady's snowy roof with an UFO hovering nearby.
  SlideBackSaturday - Six Snowy Sunrise Snaps
3. Okay, not an unidentified flying object, just a lenticular cloud. Speaking of flying objects, notice that a crow photo-bombed this shot (upper right corner).
  SlideBackSaturday - Six Snowy Sunrise Snaps
4. Hard to tell, but that's the crescent moon (according to my original caption) in the center of the sky.
  SlideBackSaturday - Six Snowy Sunrise Snaps
5. Here comes the sun...
  SlideBackSaturday - Six Snowy Sunrise Snaps
6. ... oops, spoke too soon.

Hope you're having a Super Saturday!



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My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
Blog graphics created on Canva

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media sites.

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