Mostly Wordless Wayback Wednesday - Five Photos from December 2017

I originally planned to do a wrap up post today about HiveBloPoMo & NaBloPoMo, but I'm still catching up on all the amazing Hive Power Up Day posts from yesterday. So before the day gets away from me, I decided instead to dip into my photo archives, and find some previously unpublished pictures to post. Which is how I ended up with Five Photos from December 2017 to share!

These were taken with my my Nikon affixed to my tripod), in my Durham New Hampshire yard on December 3rd, 2017.

And for my Hive friends who posted yesterday, I'm working on upvoting all the posts slowly over the next couple days (trying not to do them all at once & drain my voting power which would make my already not-terribly-big vote even smaller). I think I'm about halfway through, and I'm totally thrilled at how many we ended up with this month! Thanks to everyone who participated, and I'll have the Unofficial Winners list up, as usual, sometime in the next couple days as well.

Hope you enjoy!

Five Photos from December 2017

  Mostly Wordless Wayback Wednesday - Five Photos from December 2017
  Mostly Wordless Wayback Wednesday - Five Photos from December 2017
  Mostly Wordless Wayback Wednesday - Five Photos from December 2017
  Mostly Wordless Wayback Wednesday - Five Photos from December 2017
  Mostly Wordless Wayback Wednesday - Five Photos from December 2017


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My posts may occasionally contain affiliate links. If you click through,
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My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
Blog graphics created on Canva

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media sites.

Speaking of witch which...


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