Testing the camera of the Redmi 9T | Pics of random stuff


Photo by me

This is not a professional test or anything similar. I'm just a normal guy testing a bit of his phone.

This is my first post in this community so hey, hello everyone! I don't know how to start a photography post, I guess it's a good idea to give a little background as to why I took these photos.

Yesterday I bought a new phone after more than 1 month without a phone. I had planned to buy it more than 2 weeks ago, but the price of Hive and also the situation here in Venezuela made my plans didn't go as expected, but hey, better late than never.

I bought a Xiaomi Redmi 9T since Xiaomi's have been all the rage lately. The quality they have is amazing and they are really cheap, so honestly I'm pretty happy with my purchase and hope it lasts for years with me. One of my goals when I bought my phone was to be able to post in this community, for a long time now I have been thinking about taking pictures of things that interest me and getting more into the world of photography. It makes me very happy to be able to post in this community with my own work, although most of the photos I took were complete crap, I hope I can improve as time goes on.


Photo by me

I even took a picture of a pot to test how the shadows look like, lol.

At first I thought the camera was average, I didn't think I could do a lot of cool stuff with it, but Miguel proved me very wrong. Before that, I was taking pictures of my cousin to see how I was doing with it, I had seen a lot of pictures of people's eyes before, so I gave it a try.


Photo by me

I liked it quite a bit, the macro camera is the one I've been using to take the "coolest" pictures. I've never had a phone with this option so it's the one I've been using the most.

I also tried the 48 MP option of this phone which, to be honest, looks pretty good, but I only took a couple of pictures of my cousin using this option and I don't want to show her on this platform, at least not right now. Maybe when I have more time I will take a deeper look at this feature.


Photo by me

I also wanted to show a little bit of my pet, Mivi. Well, technically she's not mine, she's a beautiful puppy that came to our home after my cousin's ex-girlfriend gave her to him, she's been living with us ever since. She's currently a little skinny since we can't feed her well, that's why I didn't want to take full body pics of her. But, she is an amazing dog, she is very affectionate and also has a lot of energy, it's the first time I show her in my blog, but in Discord I have already left videos with her :)


Photo by me

Not all of my photos were good, actually, I would say none of them were good. I usually see people's work here and I know that mine is a very minimal sample of all that can be achieved with a camera, but the truth is that I would like to improve since I have never been familiar with this or anything related to photography.

Not that I'm a very creative person.


Photo by me

My cousin Miguel is the one who gave me a couple of tips for this last photo, well, to be honest, he simply said "when I tell you to take the picture, take it" and that's basically what I did. I think it's great how you can set the scenario for a photo to be captured in the best possible way with any tool at your hands, make it so that a phone can be used to take photos and make it look like a professional job. That is my goal in the future and one of the reasons I want to start getting familiar with photography, I hope my new phone will allow me to improve as time goes on.


Photo by me

I still don't understand simple things like why in this last photo my phone didn't fully detail the hat instead of my friend's shirt behind. Maybe because of the color? Because I didn't focus well on the hat? These are things that I think are basic in photography, but that I honestly have no idea how they work.

I hope to be able to take many more photos and improve over time. Maybe it would be interesting to give documentary photography a chance to talk a bit more about the situation here. The future will tell :)

Thank you so much for read this.

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