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My New Pleasant Dream

As it usually happens, today I have a new dream that I didn't know about before. I stopped by a friend, he is a professional photographer, not like me. And we know each other not because of the photo, but for other reasons.Anywa, he boasted of his new camera.

I don't really understand professional photo equipment, after all, for me it's only a hobby (although the HIVE somehow made it profitable for me), and I'm quite satisfied with my century-old canon 500d, which has served me faithfully for a decade. We've been through a lot of different things, both good and bad, so sometimes he gets cranky like an old soldier who's seen some sh*t. We are together, and I manage to negotiate with him at least sometimes.

But only today I realized how old my faithful horse is... I managed to hold something amazing in my hands - Сanon 1 D X mark III. Am I wrong, or is there really a reference to the Iron Man costume hidden in the name of the model?

To be honest, when I found out the cost of this equipment, my hands trembled, sweated and froze at the same time. This guy paid $8,000 for it. My SUV is cheaper. Is the camera worth the money? Well, I can't give an expert opinion, but just look at what shots I managed to get of shooting bird feeders in the yard:







I don't have very good eyesight, so often, the world I see in photos surprises me even more than what I see in reality. With this camera, it seemed to me that I had moved to another world, even more beautiful than ours. It's hard to explain, but I can't figure out if people with perfect eyesight see these birds the same way.

Anyway, why did I start talking about the dream? Because even with enough money- I won't buy it. It seems to me that this is a professional tool, for a professional who earns a living by his skill, while having the primary goal not to earn money, but the process of creation and the opportunity to share the result with others.

I'm delighted with the engineering idea and the existence of such an amazing technique, and I'm very glad that there are masters who can unlock the full potential of such an instrument, and the camera can help them demonstrate their talent even more vividly.

But for myself personally, I am pleased to put the thought of owning this camera for myself in a box labeled pleasant dreams. Not unattainable, not great, not unfulfilled, but just pleasant dreams. Like a child who dreams of a toy. He will be very happy if this pleasant, but not critical dream comes true, but its non-fulfillment will not overshadow his life.

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