My pillars of strength Mother and Father...!!!


Hello hivers today I am introducing my parents to you I hope you love them just like I love them. There are two most powerful pillars of strength are Mother and father. They always support there kids in good and bad times and try to show them real path. Mother teach how to love unconditionally and how to behave in the society and father gives the strength to deal with negativity without being negative.


She is my mother carrying a kid in her arms because she is so much in love with kids. She just love kids even its human or animal. She heals every living being in this world who come across. My mothers teach me always that if you are a true human being then dont hurt anybody even someone hurt you.


I love my father so much. My father gives me freedom to achieve my goals in life. He always push me and always guide to achieve something in life and after that do good for the society. My father is very simple person he sacrifice his dreams for us and nothing ask for anything in return. My father is a teacher which is the builder of nation.


This kid is the upcoming generation of this planet thats why every person carries him and give so much of love to him so he can remember only good things. Because in todays world there are chaos which should be remove in future. And I am trying that.


This kid is very happy and he meet everyone. I was like this in my childhood thats why today I dont discriminate any living being on earth. Every person black or white all are equal everyone has things to express and they also have right to do it untill or unless its bad. So I always spend time with this kid so I can give my vibe to him so when he will grow up he will give same vibe to the society.


Cuteness is overloaded in this picture. This world is very beautiful but misguided by the people who are in power. So we have to give good teachings to the people who are around us because we can not change the whole world but we can start changing our society in which we live. We should let them know about what is good or not. we all know that hurting somebody is not good and giving love is positive and it will heal the world love is so powerful. So always love every living being and start loving your parents.

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