Studio Portraiture - Allen


Studio Portraiture of Allen

Helo everyone in the community. How are you guys doing? I hope that all of you are having a great day. This is another studio portraiture series. This is Allen, This photo was taken last year just before he went for a pageant competition which is the Bachelor of Malaysia. He was one of the finalist that will compete on the pageant. The Bachelor of Malaysia pageant is one of a platform that gives a chance to the participant to go for an international level pageant. They will compete on the other country and represent Malaysia for the pageant competition. This was one of the male pageant that will send their winner to the international level pageant. The studio setup was captured by using one and two lighting setup. For the dark suit, it was captured by using two lighting setup. Left and right only for the rim lighting. The rest was captured by using only one lighting setup with the 120 octa softbox. Allen was positioned near the wall, leaning and the black background helps me to reduced some of the lighting reflection.

Photographer : @tawadak24
Camera : Sony A7III| Sony G Lens 85mm f1.8
Editing Software : Adobe Lightroom CC
Stylus Tablet : XP Pen Deco 01 V2

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