The Swing Bridge Between New Bedford and Fairhaven

The Swing Bridge Between New Bedford and Fairhaven

Good morning

I went out earlier this morning for my walk and was on Popes Island and walked over the Swing Truss Bridge there, I did take some photos but have not edited them yet but it did inspire me to do a post with a selection of shots I have taken of this bridge on various walks there

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Sony A7iv 52mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 400
Click here to view larger

Between New Bedford and Fairhaven there are actually three bridges, but the focus on this post is the Swing Truss Bridge and it was built between 1897 and 1899 and includes a 283.2 foot long swing truss which with its age and style Whenever I visit Popes Island for a walk, I generally walk over it and occasionally get some shots of it.

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Sony A7iv 58mm F7.1 1/125 Sec ISO 640
Click here to view larger

As you will notice these shots are taken on different days at different times, some with clear skies, some with clouds and some with the colors of a nice sunrise

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Sony A7iv 29mm F8 1/160 Sec ISO 125
Click here to view larger

When the bridge swings open of course the barriers come down and block the road for vehicles, which I can imagine for some in a rush to get somewhere could be so frustrating, but as I am generally never in a rush it doesn't bother me I just sit in the car and chill, and watch the bridge turning open to let boats through, and turning back to open the road

its normally just as its closed and the barriers are about to lift and allow the traffic to get going again I think I should have got out of the car and taken a shot of the bridge open

Maybe next time it happens to me I will think of that earlier

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Sony A7iv 46mm F22 1/125 Sec ISO 800
Click here to view larger

I would love to actually be on the swing part of the bridge when it opens one day and ride the bridge as it swings, could make for some cool shots, but I suspect they are not allowed to move the bridge is someone is standing on it

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Sony A7iv 17mm F11 1.6 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

and a last shot to finish off the post

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Sony A7iv 25mm F8 1/15 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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