the land of the rising sun

The land of the rising sun

First off let me apologize to anyone who opened this post thinking i had made a trip to and was sharinn photos in Japan, which the title land of the rising sun could make people think that I know, but this post is in fact shots of the rising sun here in and around New Bedford MA

Now I am well travelled have been to over 65 countries, but never madeit to Japan, I would love to visit it sometime, its always bene onmy wish list to see, but the thought of the crazy big cities honestly does not appeal to me as I hate crowds, but to explore some of the not so big and busy places I would love to one day do

But enough talk about Japan as this post is about the rising sun lOL

Starting with a shot by the pier

rising sun.jpg

Sony A7iv 29mm F10 1/1000 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

Now those that follow me will know I often head out for early morning walks and catch the sunrise, but I mostly stop taking photos just as the sun rises, for two reasons one being I may want to focus on walking for a bit and get my steps in for the day, and secondly, often to catch photos of the sun just after it rises is a challenge to do, I do have Neutral Density filters that would be good in the situation of a bright sun rising, but mor eoften than not they are not in my camera bag but in the trunk of my car and for lack of a better excuse I am to lazy to get them out of the car, but occassionally I do catch the rising sun and hence this post

This next shot ona little pier/park beside East Beach

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Sony A7iv 75mm F11 1/80 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

This next shot on Popes Island the sun hiding in the clouds

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Sony A7iv 75mm F10 1/125 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

This shot was taken as I was standing on East Beach Looking across as the sun rose over Fairhaven

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Sony A7iv 400mm F11 1/10 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

and the Beach volleyball net catching the sun

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Sony A7iv 75mm F11 1/80 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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