Sublime and Beautiful Sunday at the zoo

Sublime and Beautiful Sunday at the zoo

This post is for #SublimeSunday is inspired by @c0ff33a and #BeautifulSunday is initiated by @ace108.

For this weeks post I am sharing a few shots of some animals and birds I saw on a visit to the local zoo here the Buttoonwood Park Zoo.

I will admit I did go back and forth with myself about whethere these photos fitterd with the sublime and beautiful tags, well not so much the beautiful as I do feel the animals are beautiful, but my concern was over the sublime tag,

Now you may ask why, well the buttonwood park zoo is a small zoo and the enclosures for the animals are a bit on the small side, and I do prefert zoos where the animals have more space to roam.

But that said, I did buy a season pass to the zoo and have visited it a few times and on those visits i have ended up talking to a few of the staff, and it has become clear to me that one thing betwene all the staff I have spoken to is common, they all do care for the animals and do their best to look after them so I decided to go with this post

Starting with this sandhill crane

more at the zoo.jpg

Sony A7iv 378mm F9 1/200 Sec ISO 100
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Next up we have an american eagle

Now on a side note I did in a previous post say I wanted to drive to Providence and chekc out the zoo there, which is bigger and from what I understand the animals have more space, and how I have ben saying that for a couple of years and had not been there yet

Well the other day I got organized and jumped in the car and was heading there, well it wasnt meant to be a guess, since my surgery occassional I have stomach issues and need to be close to the toliet shall I say, wekk have way there my stomach let me know it was going to be one of those days and I had to do a quick U-turn and head home, ohh well maybe another day

here is one of the American Eagles

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Sony A7iv 400mm F9 1/125 Sec ISO 1000
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here we have what I think is a red Panda

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Sony A7iv 355mm F9 1/125 Sec ISO 1600
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and a beaver

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Sony A7iv 158mm F9 1/125 Sec ISO 160
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and to finish off the post a deer

more at the zoo-5.jpg

Sony A7iv 400mm F9 1/125 Sec ISO 200
Click here to view larger

And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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