more Monday Mono Madness

More Monday Mono Madness

Good Morning and another week begins and may it be a good one for one and all

As is my habit on Monday I share mono images from my walks and today I am sticking with that, no real theme, just a selection I found in my folders in Lightroom that I thought may work well in mono and here we go......

Starting with a spot I often park by, by the New Bedford Boat ramp, well in fact in this shot I am standing on the boat ramp looking at the pier, the low clouds were a bit dull but came out moody and cool I think in Mono

mono random.jpg

Sony A7iv 26mm F22 8 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

Next up on a walk at the Port, I often or mostly edit the port photos in color as I love the blues of the water and sky often contrasting nicely with the colorful commercial fishing boats, but an occasional one calls out to me to be edited in Mono

mono random-2.jpg

Sony A7iv 26mm F8 30 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

and another one of the pier in Fort Tabor For Rodman Park, the pier disappearing into the fog again

mono random-3.jpg

Sony A7iv 26mm F11 1/2 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

I shared a similar shot last week where i had added a spider, someone asked to see the shot without the AI generated spider in photoshop, so here it is

mono random-4.jpg

Sony A7iv 28mm F11 1/30 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

one of the ramps up onto the cover walk on the Hurricane Barrier wall, I spot I do love walking often after I have finished getting some shots of the sunrise, I will walk up here and walk to the end and back to get a good step count in

mono random-5.jpg

Sony A7iv 24mm F10 4 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

and in the historic district downtown, I thought this would be a cool spot for light painting and went there early one morning, but the street lights I had not taken into account so got this shot instead

mono random-6.jpg

Sony A7iv 23mm F10 25 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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